Well you busted ass tired raggedy ass looking HOE..you wanna run your mouth about me..we can do that..First bitch i would rather have my body any day than your caved in ass..you have saggy ass titties they look like spread out sunny side up eggs..thats why the neighbors called the cops when you were laying out topless in the backyard for indecent exposure..remember that bitch.... you have a bootydo where your gut sticks out more then your booty do..a beer gut muffin top..where your love handles hang out the back of your jeans and a loose vagina bitch ..you proved that by being engaged and fucking some random guy in a dirty hole in the wall bathroom bar while in LA..you werent even good enough for a motel 6 skank!!! You dress like a butch dyke..like your a fuckin dude.. How are you gonna talk shit about a guy leaving me (which never ever happened).. when your fucking fiance tried to fucking kill himself ..your men dont even want themselves!!..and i dont blame them after infecting themselves by touching you..And how does my face melt ..nothing on me is fake..but you with your fucking crows feet and wrinkles.. you old ass snatch.. your eyebrows come off at night with baby wipes bitch.. and you have a head full of synthetic fake ass hair because your a bald ass bitch..and your a racist kkk whore..because for some reason you think you can call black people the N word behind their backs cuz your a gutless racist bitch !! And how you gonna rag on me for doing a stupid brainless radio stunt when i was 19 which i had to do cuz i was under contract ..but you on your own time tramp shoved a milk jug in your asshole , wiped a dirty spunge on your overused vagina and urinated everywhere like a stray fucking dog??? are you kidding me hoe?? Your a deadbeat worthless mother..thats why the authorities was telling me shit about how your homeless with no job thats why you had to borrow clothes from the set of tyra , and how your an unfit parent cuz you dont know how to act thats why the courts took your child away..so instead of trying to google me bitch and trying so hard to find dirt on me..which will never be half as bad as your shitty ass life..why dont you concentrate on more productive things like learning how to parent so you can get your kid back..k hoe..get your priorities straight..PEACE!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
BGC Drama Getting More Heated
This Jennavecia drama between the other girls is just getting more and more heated. It's crazy,these girls are sitting at home writing blogs about each other. Even if they left the house and stopped filming, watching yourself on tv and seeing the editing and what the girls say about each other in the confessional really affected them. Making them start internet drama. Anyways, Neveen has made another blog talking more Sht about Jennavecia. She seems to be pissed off at everything Jennavecia said about her in a blog a while ago. She even blasted her on some things that happened at the house while bringing Jennavecia down too. Here is her blog,
Tanisha From Bad Girls Club On My Show Tonight!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
You Are Cordually invited to a Bad Girl's Baby Shower!
Kerry has hit me up and let me know that an internet baby shower is being held for Zara of Bad Gitls 1! Here's the site:zarasbabyshower.moonfruit.com |
Tyra VS. The Bad Girls:Round 2!
The Tyra ep that centered around the bad girls club must have been a hit in the ratings because Tyra has brought Tanisha,Darlen,Neveen and Cordelia back to talk about being "violent". It airs Wednesday February 27th. |
Tanisha's new beef with Ty?
Tanisha made a new blog responding to more haters and speaking her mind on her worst enemy in Bad Girls Club, Jennavecia. It seems that she has beef with Lyric also which is surprising because it seemed like Lyric left the show on good terms with Tanisha. But one of the blogs Jennavecia made, Lyric helped her out too. Also, it seems that Ty and Tanisha has beef but apprantly for no reason because they seem to not know each other. Ty just loves internet drama. Here is the blog,
You Know it's so damn funny to me that people watch the bad girls club,and automatically assume they know me. Ha! how funny. But tell me why is it that we as black people are never happy for each other? It's like a sister or a brother is trying to come up and you hate on us. why? Are you mad because you did'nt make it? Are you jealous because your life has no worth? and at the end of the day when you look around you have nothing and noone? well my friend that shit sounds personal. So whatever madness and mayhem that may be present in your life, has nothing to do with me. So with that being said let me say this loud and crystal clear:
Jennavecia I don't give a fuck about you or anything your trashy filthy lips have to say. Your the fucking scum of this earth and I dont give a fuck anout your new bodyguards TY(from season 1) and Lyric. Your nasty ass still can get a beat down from me verbally and physically if you push me.
and Ty it has been brought to my attentin that you have a problem with me. Which is so damn funny to me because....I don't even know you. And guess what I don't want too. Quite frankly I don't want to give you the attention you so crave so I'll try to make this nice and short. Don't hate the player hate the fucking game. I don't understand what is your problem Hoe! yea I said it you SUCK .....literally. SO FUCK YOU!!! Your dumb as hell to be friends with someone who called me the "N" word. Bitch Jennavecia don't like you! you of all people know how these shows work so why the fuck is it that your running your mouth? Your time is up move on and ship the fuck out obviously the entertainment business does not want you. Your hating on me and bitch you should cause I'm going up and your ass is still on the floor....If your ass is "Gangster" as you claim then be a fucking G and call me and tell me what's on your mind instead of talking shit! Bitch you don't even know me and my advice to you is get to fucking no me homie. And I'll lend you some money so you can buy a life!!! I know I'm Fat bitch but guess what I look way better than you shawty! So don't hate me cause I'm beautiful hate me cause your not!!! You want to sue? and cry and bitch and moan cause they kicked you off last season? Because they knew you would never change! Shame on oxygen? No bitch SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!
Bad girls club,
Friday, February 22, 2008
Ty's response to Jennavecia saying the N word
Okay now yall now about Ty's blog about sueing Oxygen. Now she made a new blog discussing Jennavecia saying the N word and basically about haters. Jennavecia called Tanisha the N word and a fat black bitch on the show but Ty forgives her on that and they are really cool now. She talks about people hating on her and forgiving people for what they done in the past. Now enough talking about it, here is the blog
So Being the LEADER that I am....I chose to pick Jennevecia from bad girls club season 2 as my favorite! YES to the idiots "computer gang bangin' " I know she used the N- word...and called the fat bitch a fat black bitch! I forgave aimee....so why shouldnt Jennevecia be forgiven? Me and Jennevecia have discussed this matter....and I told her I forgave her and why! I really dont feel its necessary for me to be explaining this to ya'll...cause what ya'll eat dont make me shit....
But: IM GROWN! So what I do is my business...what I type is for my fans...if you dont like it stop stalking my fuckin' page!
And to the haters that say this is for attention...PLEASEEEEE....IM THE ONLY BAD GIRL WHO DOESNT REALLY RESPOND TO THIS INTERNET SHIT...SO LEAVE IT BE! with that said....continue on with your hating...I know Bush got shit all fucked up so ya'll need to stay in business!
And in all actuality every race is guilty of some form or making a racist remark...stereotyping...or just being racist PERIOD! I know one thing though: some of yall other races say really racist shit behind closed doors about other races...then wanna come and smile in our faces like ya'll kool with us! At least she didnt surpress it...I'd rather someone let me know to my face they think I'm a NIGGER....THAN SAY IT BEHIND MY BACK! AGAIN I SAY...I DONT WANT ANYONE JUDGING ME FOR THE THINGS I'VE DONE IN MY PAST....SO WHY NO START FORGIVING OTHERS FOR WHAT THEY DO!
** goes to cook dinner for her man**
Bad girls club,
n word,
Dear Zara
Dear Zara,
Recently it has been mentioned to me that you are writing blogs on the oxygen website. That's fine, i understand that its hard for you, your 15 minutes being over, that you want to extend it for another minute or so, whatever. My problem is that your blogs talk shit about me and my fellow cast mates. Have you ever heard the phrase, "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"?
Let me quote you, "Cordelia to me, is just very over the top ..... I am surprised she has made it this far in life without some kind of serious therapy" "Neveen is extremely judgmental, very mean, and has way too much to say about everyone else but herself. And for some odd reason thinks she is perfect. " "The whole group needs serious therapy" "Tanisha ..... I have never seen anyone in my life that needs therapy more than her!"
Hmmmm... those sound like fighting words, darlin'. I find it ENDLESSLY amusing that you are criticizing Neveen for being judgemental in the same blog where you yourself are doing it - then telling everyone that THEY need therapy?!?!?! I hate to bring it up, but you aren't exactly that stable yourself. I know that you're pregnant, and maybe for some reason you think that might make you "wise", maybe the hormones are getting to your head, or whatever. I just wanted to remind you that no matter what my castmates and I have done, none of us were fucking people in a bathroom for money and calling it "fundraising" (remember? that was you!!! or did you forget what happened in your season?)
You are just as crazy, if not more so, than all of us. I understand that being on a reality show opens you up for criticism, and i'm all for it - but not from someone who is just as guilty or more guilty than us season 2 bitches. So take your stupid fucking blog and shove it right up your skinny, bony little ass. Next time you're up on your moral cloud, handing out judgement, think about your past indiscretions, and hold your tongue.
Hopefully there's a challenge between our seasons, because I'm not the only season 2 girl who wants a piece of you (and everyone knows, i'm not the one you have to worry about).
hugs and kisses, bitch.
Recently it has been mentioned to me that you are writing blogs on the oxygen website. That's fine, i understand that its hard for you, your 15 minutes being over, that you want to extend it for another minute or so, whatever. My problem is that your blogs talk shit about me and my fellow cast mates. Have you ever heard the phrase, "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"?
Let me quote you, "Cordelia to me, is just very over the top ..... I am surprised she has made it this far in life without some kind of serious therapy" "Neveen is extremely judgmental, very mean, and has way too much to say about everyone else but herself. And for some odd reason thinks she is perfect. " "The whole group needs serious therapy" "Tanisha ..... I have never seen anyone in my life that needs therapy more than her!"
Hmmmm... those sound like fighting words, darlin'. I find it ENDLESSLY amusing that you are criticizing Neveen for being judgemental in the same blog where you yourself are doing it - then telling everyone that THEY need therapy?!?!?! I hate to bring it up, but you aren't exactly that stable yourself. I know that you're pregnant, and maybe for some reason you think that might make you "wise", maybe the hormones are getting to your head, or whatever. I just wanted to remind you that no matter what my castmates and I have done, none of us were fucking people in a bathroom for money and calling it "fundraising" (remember? that was you!!! or did you forget what happened in your season?)
You are just as crazy, if not more so, than all of us. I understand that being on a reality show opens you up for criticism, and i'm all for it - but not from someone who is just as guilty or more guilty than us season 2 bitches. So take your stupid fucking blog and shove it right up your skinny, bony little ass. Next time you're up on your moral cloud, handing out judgement, think about your past indiscretions, and hold your tongue.
Hopefully there's a challenge between our seasons, because I'm not the only season 2 girl who wants a piece of you (and everyone knows, i'm not the one you have to worry about).
hugs and kisses, bitch.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Neveen Bad Girls Club Recap On Episode 211
This Time Neveen Talks About Tanisha And Jenn Fight. And Talks About many other more
Ty's Rant about Oxygen
Remember Ty from Bad Girls Club season 1? Well in her new blog, she talks about yesterday's episode where Jennavecia and Tanisha fight but then later on they get a second chance to stay in the house if they get counseling. Ty thinks this is bullshit because she never had any chances and was sent home immediantly after she fought Aimee. She knows that each season's contracts are still the same so letting them stay is uncalled for and unfair. She even mentions sueing Oxygen. Do you think she's right and has a right to complain or do you think this is just her being a whiny bitch? Here is her blog
Well after watching last nights episode of bad girls club season 2...and seeing the Jenn and Fat bitch fight...I just realized that Oxygen and Bunim/Murray productions have a lawsuit on there hands! Not only was I kicked off from last seasons cast for "a physical altercation" I was sent home because "Laura" (our producer) said that it was "in the contracts of a no hitting policy-ZERO TOLERANCE) Not that I wanted my favorite jennevicia to be sent home...but the simple fact that Im almost certain last seasons contracts and this seasons contracts were EXACTLY THE SAME!
SHAME ON YOU OXYGEN! I wasnt even allowed back into our house after coming from the beach until the producers showed up! Then I had to immediately pack my things and leave! There were NO second chances....talk it over...or go see a counselor!
$700/week times the 12 weeks I missed for getting sent home = you figure it out!
I believe you have breached your end of a contract...whats the point of making us sign it if you can alter it at any time???????????????????????
Download Episode 211 Of The Bad Girls Club
This Week Episode You Will Get To Download Right Now..
The Bad Girls Club - Episode 211 - Sucker Punched(TV Rip HQ)
The Bad Girls Club - Episode 211 - Sucker Punched(TV Rip HQ)
Jennavecia On Fear Factor
I'm sure some of yall know about this but Jennavecia has been on Fear Factor a long time ago. No she did not win but she was one of the players competing for money. This made me realize that she might be in BGC for tv and fame. She's been on numerous casting calls and this is how she met Scott. Scott is a casting Directer who does plenty of castings and this is how she met Jennavecia. I cannot find a video of her being on Fear Factor but here is a picture of her. She has no piercings yet, I see. Here is your proof,
Jennavecia as a player
Jennavecia as a player
Bad girls club,
fear factor,
Chamillion's Episode 11 Review
What's up? I'm about to give you a review/recap on episode 11 since I haven't been writing about the episodes for a while. This continues the fight with Jennavecia and Tanisha where Tanisha pulls her hair and then they both bitch about who hits them first. Later on, some lady comes in and talks about the fight saying both of them should go home and they both need therapy. But, if they don't go through the therapy experience then they will have to go home. Both of them are pissed off about this and talks about being upset if Tanisha goes home. Both Jennavecia and Tanisha had to go to seperate hotels to cool off from the fight. Darlen asks Tanisha to go out to eat and she will pay. Tanisha wonders wtf is this all about. It's been eating Darlen inside about not telling Tanisha that she ripped up the picture. So in the restuarant, Darlen finally admits that she ripped up the picture and Tanisha just looks at her shocked. Darlen says that she was really drunk and she didn't even remember until Jennavecia told her about it. She keeps apologizing and Tanisha is really pissed but she slowly cools down. Darlen offers to let Tanisha to rip her own pictures but Tanisha, being really nice, turns that down and just lets it go.
Later on, Cordelia whines about missing Taylor and maybe being with Scott is the worst thing she done. She only likes being with him when she's drunk and Taylor seemed to be the right guy to be with. He was like the only guy she ever really loved because Cordelia usually just loves to be with lots of guys one by one and she has a hard time being committed. Scott goes in the house looking for her like a bear searching for food while Cordelia hides from him. When he gives up, he mumbles "Fucking Idiot" and leaves. Tanisha is the only one who shows up at the anger management meeting and not Jennavecia. You can now tell that Jennavecia does not care about changing herself and not even giving it a try. Jennavecia says she does not need to go and she was just defending herself. Tanisha discusses about needing help on not being phyiscal on people when she's angry. The therapist says that if you let it go, it feels like you lost. She has gain growth as a human being and she will think back on this fight and she will know she gain control on the situation. Wow that's not doing much on giving her advice.
There is a house meeting about Jennavecia in general and the party girls are so pissed that they have to go. Jennavecia, being a sneaky bitch that she is, makes a plan on what she should say during the meeting about not going to therapy. Darlen starts going crazy, ranting about the meeting and throws chairs and screams. I swear she can be a psycho when she's drunk and when she's sober. Jennavecia calms her down and hugs her. During the meeting, Jennavecia tells them that she doesn't need anger management and all this bullsht. Tanisha says that she feels she doesnt need it either but she appreciates the oppurtunity given to her so she still went. Now Jennavecia decides to actually go to anger management to see how it goes. Hanna and Neveen call her out saying that she really does not care and she says shit but never abides to it. Hanna says she's full of shit and she just says shit to make people think she's a good person but she's really not. Now that's it for the episode.
My thoughts on this is that I like Tanisha a little bit more because of this episode since she still went to anger management class and looks like she really wants to change. She also has a good heart because she forgave Darlen for ripping up her picture and didn't rip up any of Darlen's pictures. I never liked Jennavecia and this episode made me dislike her more. She is just a sneaky bitch who just wants to be there for tv not for change. She's been on fear factor and been in plenty of casting calls. Also, I feel bad for Cordelia about regretting on dumping Taylor. In a post I made long ago, I mentioned that Taylor and Cordelia are back together working things out which is great isn't it? Darlen is still a psycho bitch as ever. Now that's it for now. Peace..
Later on, Cordelia whines about missing Taylor and maybe being with Scott is the worst thing she done. She only likes being with him when she's drunk and Taylor seemed to be the right guy to be with. He was like the only guy she ever really loved because Cordelia usually just loves to be with lots of guys one by one and she has a hard time being committed. Scott goes in the house looking for her like a bear searching for food while Cordelia hides from him. When he gives up, he mumbles "Fucking Idiot" and leaves. Tanisha is the only one who shows up at the anger management meeting and not Jennavecia. You can now tell that Jennavecia does not care about changing herself and not even giving it a try. Jennavecia says she does not need to go and she was just defending herself. Tanisha discusses about needing help on not being phyiscal on people when she's angry. The therapist says that if you let it go, it feels like you lost. She has gain growth as a human being and she will think back on this fight and she will know she gain control on the situation. Wow that's not doing much on giving her advice.
There is a house meeting about Jennavecia in general and the party girls are so pissed that they have to go. Jennavecia, being a sneaky bitch that she is, makes a plan on what she should say during the meeting about not going to therapy. Darlen starts going crazy, ranting about the meeting and throws chairs and screams. I swear she can be a psycho when she's drunk and when she's sober. Jennavecia calms her down and hugs her. During the meeting, Jennavecia tells them that she doesn't need anger management and all this bullsht. Tanisha says that she feels she doesnt need it either but she appreciates the oppurtunity given to her so she still went. Now Jennavecia decides to actually go to anger management to see how it goes. Hanna and Neveen call her out saying that she really does not care and she says shit but never abides to it. Hanna says she's full of shit and she just says shit to make people think she's a good person but she's really not. Now that's it for the episode.
My thoughts on this is that I like Tanisha a little bit more because of this episode since she still went to anger management class and looks like she really wants to change. She also has a good heart because she forgave Darlen for ripping up her picture and didn't rip up any of Darlen's pictures. I never liked Jennavecia and this episode made me dislike her more. She is just a sneaky bitch who just wants to be there for tv not for change. She's been on fear factor and been in plenty of casting calls. Also, I feel bad for Cordelia about regretting on dumping Taylor. In a post I made long ago, I mentioned that Taylor and Cordelia are back together working things out which is great isn't it? Darlen is still a psycho bitch as ever. Now that's it for now. Peace..
Tanisha Calling Out Jennavecia
Now Jennavecia made a blog about Neveen and Tanisha and Tanisha heard about that and decided to make a blog of her own, defending herself and talking shit about Jennavecia also to get back at her. Here is the blog.
I've challenged you on numerous occasions. You always backed down. You claim to be bad and it shouldn't matter whether I'm big or not. You should have done something. The fact of the matter is Neveen did not want to ever see me go home. And deep down inside I felt like I needed to stay as well. So yes, I was in your face yelling and screaming and waiting for you to pop off. You're as racist as they come. So don't make any apologizes now.
While at the house, you never apologized for calling me the N word. In fact, I NEVER even knew you had called me that. Because I would have literally stomped you to the ground. I can't explain my hatred for you. Because you go around telling lies and you try to plaster sh*t so that no one can see who you REALLY are. Well you know what? I know. I know who you are and what you stand for. And I know that I smell you and you stink. And you're an evil, conniving, shady b*tch who waits until I turn around to talk sh*t.
I could never understand why my spirit never accepted you. I now realize why. You messed with my juice unknowingly. You're a punk a$$ b*tch and your a$$ was NOT waiting on me outside of anywhere to see my reaction. Your a$$ was shook. Outside of the door, scared and trembling like the old stray cat you are.
Don't apologize for anything. Because you meant it. You were being true to you. Your a nasty racist son of a bitch! And I never heard you call me the N word. Because if I did I would have destroyed you. You said that shit to Lyric. And if she wants to be stupid and talk to you then thats her dumb ass. Pissing and spitting in food that people have to consume for survival, you should be ashamed of yourself. If only I had caught your nasty slimy disgusting ass!You're weak and worthless and I can only hope that you change for the sake of your child. It's no wonder they won't let you get custody of her. She's better off raising herself! Write your blogs stake out the messageboards and post your bullshit! I dont give a flying fuck! Because I know ur a old stray pussy cat who is nothing but a piece of trash and a waste of good life! Keep talking shit and be ready to back that shit up when I see your old miserable druggie ass.And I can only hope that the next time you see me in person, you don't cringe and hold on to the wall for dear life!
Bad girls club,
Darlen's Preach about Judging others
Now Darlen made a blog long ago that had nothing to do with the Bad Girls club but had to do with life and people in society. She points out that nobody is perfect, nobody is ugly nor beautiful. People should not judge each other. She even points out celebs where others talk shit about them,disliking them and judging them for the wrong reasons. She is just preaching her heart out on this and I'm sure this blog has to do with Neveen saying she's perfect and some of the girls, judging others.
does any1 know the story of magdalena??? she sinned and people judged her...(its soo much easier for people to judge others than to look at their own flaws)...there is a saying in spanish..."siempre quieren tapar el sol con un dedo"....they always want to cover the sun with 1 finger...well guess what no1 can or ever will be perfect ...our flaws will always shine...WERE NOT PERFECT! NOBODY IS!!! and the story about magdalena was that she was judged and was looked down upon for her flaws and sins and people threw stones and rocks at her...so jesus came and said whoever has never sinned throw the first stone etc....lol no1 could...=)
i'm not perfect, nor is any1 else in this world...if we were? then what would make this universe interesting? what would we talk about? what would we argue or fight about? NOTHING!!! BORING!!! NOONE IS UGLY NOR BEAUTIFUL...BECUZ AS CORNY AS IT SOUNDS BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER...
for those who don't know what i'm talking about well lets see...some think angelina jolie is trashy and slutty...i think she's hot, cool, and 1 of the hottest bitches out there...
some love eva langoria...well some think she's short and small breasted...
some hate penelope cruz...while I THINK SHE"S VERY BEAUTIFUL!!! of course...
some think ricky martin is hot...while *cough* some might think he's a fag...the words some might use for PARIS HILTON are "THATS (she being thats) HOTT" while others think "THATS NASTY" oh not to mention dumb...etc ya'll get the point...whats hot or cool to some people is not cool or hot to the other half...hmmm...anyways...hope ya'll understand the point of this blog...cuz i kind of do...it can mean soo much...if you don't get it just ask and i will let you know but... THE POINT IS DON'T JUDGE ME...ESPECIALLY IF YOUR MY FRIEND AND YOU KNOW WHO I REALLY AM!!!
Neveen And Darlen Beef
Remember that episode where Neveen and Darlen got into it and Neveen did not punch Darlen but instead threw milk all over her? Neveen made a blog about that after that episode aired speaking out why she didn't punch her, why she spilled milk on her and lastly, what she thinks about Darlen. Here is the blog.
WHY DIDNT I PUNCH DARLEN'S ASS? It really lame that i even have to explain myself but here goes....because if you fight you get kicked off when you get kicked off its a breech of contract when you breech your contract you get sued and i dont want assault charges.. i dont hit first.. do the math.. NOT WORTH SLAPPIN A HOE!! ..keep in mind crack heads are unpredictable they could be carrying a shank and stab you..they are irritional junkies that twitch randomly you dont know what they do..they are not in a rational state of mind..i dont have to prove myself to anyone and the way they editied it was bad the second that drink got on me i turned around and i was yelling at the directors and producers saying this shit aint fair your gonna let a cokehead throw shit at me and you tell me if i touch her im out?? i have to be the better person because she is drunk as hell and i chose to stay sober?? it was bullshit.. there wasnt much to throw back at her we didnt have bleach in the house..the only thing in the fridge was juice but i wanted to drink that..ground beef but i wanted to make tacos with that and milk..so i said ok i can get rid of the milk..thats what i did.. There is no fighting allowed in the house ..we could fight random people that werent part of the show tho...Thats why ty got kicked off last year when she deserved to stay on the show for beating Amys ass.. it was day three.. i was not ready to go home and she get the last laugh and i get sent home packin not gonna happen...so instead i played by the rules i taunted the hell out of her till she brokedown and cried and apologized to me..and i was never mean for no reason they always started it.. i just finished it...and thats that..no harm done..and in the end Darlen was actually allright by me..i never want to do anything that i regret. plus i am not a violent person..i resort to mase and stuff..:)
Neveen Calling Out Jennavecia
Neveen decided to make a blog just like how Jennavecia did talking shit about Tanisha and her. Well Neveen must've heard about what she wrote and decided to respond to that in a blog. She defends herself about the disgusting playhouse videos she did and also calls Jennavecia a racist bitch,dead-beat mother,and a slut. Here is the blog.
Alot of you morons are trying to get on my case for dumb radio stunts I have done YEARS AGO...saying things like, "Oh my gosh i cant believe you put that in your mouth..." or saying "you did this or that...etc.."..blah blah..yes i did dumb stunts.. why? half the time i was tricked by my bastard ass co-workers .. the cat poop clip was when i was 19 years old..i was late to work and those assholes made me do a consequence for bein late and that was the whats in your mouth game..I was blind folded at the time..i didnt know what the hell was goin on..its not like i ordered cat poop off a fucking menu.. those asshole tricked me and i felt wired pebbles in my mouth..no taste..so i assumed the worste.. i freaked out..spit that crap out.. cried and ran the hell out the studio..i was never late to work again you can believe that!! ..other stunts was a consequences for me screwing up on the job..everyone on the show has had to do somthing....thats how we do it..that is what i signed up for the good with the bad it was like fear factor ( plus i was under contract)..Radio is soo much fun but its a pain sometimes i get awesome fun perks.. and i get embarassed sometimes...BUT in no way shape hell or form is that comparable to Jennevecia (who is an old ass bitch who should really know better especially since she has a kid) being a deadbeat mom who on her OWN FREE WILL.. thinks that its cool to urinate on eveything , shove a milk jug in her asshole and rub a dirty spunge on her vagina and got her glued in synthetic fake hair ripped out on national television because Tanisha schooled her.. and you know Tanisha went easy on her cuz she has a heart!!! Not only that Jennevecia would call Tanisha the N word behind her back all the time like there was no tommorow cuz she is a racist kkk slut bitch!!! So that worthless excuse for a mother should do something productive and instead of wasting her time bragging about getting high and how she partys all the time..she should concentrate on her custody battle and getting a hair dresses to fix her witch straw looking fake hair..i lived with Jennevecia so i got so see how dead beat and nasty she was with my own eyes even what they dont show on tv..and her priorities were fucked up..she had a fiance named curtis but she cheated on him and fucked some guy at a bar and she always acted like she was on some sort of drug..and nothing she did was the point of the show..it was to learn ..and i did..i became calm..Im a lady in the making..i know i gotta work on my running off at the mouth and i cuss way too much..but hey..im not perfect and i try and still am trying ...so NOOO i am not embarassed or ashamed of anything i have done..i have only learned from them..and YES i would rather eat cat poop-- anyday then be a deadbeat mom, druggie, or prostitute hoe..to each there own.... and if you wanna checkout more you can ..see all the playhouse videos.. just go to www.radioplayhouse.com...
Bad girls club,
Jennavecia Running her Mouth
If yall have not added Jennavecia to your myspace friends list or yall never read her blogs, She has made a blog on saturday talking shit about Tanisha and Neveen. She runs her mouth, revealing some things about them and just plainly saying shit about them. What surprises me is at the end, it says Lyric and Jennavecia so is Lyric talking shit about Tanisha and Neveen too? Here is what she wrote.
Tanisha & Naveen ...who’s the skeet skeet bitch now!!!
TANISHA..... Every big girl (like Tanisha) is desperate for dick .....I'm RICK JAMES BITCH!!!!......Remember at the meeting you specifically spoke and were saying that u had no place to live and that you used to sleep around with men to have a place to stay the night...Well we remember what you said....so before you call us skeet skeet bitches check yourself .... Tanisha while you're hootin and holloring , you was laying on your back suckin and swallowin!!!
NAVEEN...Your face looks like its melting because the camera lights are toooo hot!!!! go shave you twat ....you wake up in the morning with make-up on and that why you man is gone...your body looks likes a deformed transsexual!!!!! You eat cat shit and have the nerve to talk about people with no class....
Bad girls club,
Erotic Playhouse Lesbian,Neveen
I'm sure some of you guys will enjoy this video. It's a short clip of Neveen making out with a girl. There is no reason why but I'm sure it's because of some bet or just for entertainment. She sure is a sloppy ass kisser. Here's some lesbian kissing action for you male fans.
Bad girls club,
radio show
Worm delicacy and Rat fest
Another video of Neveen in Radio Playhouse is when the guys decide to play a game with her and some dude. They put worms in their mouths while they were blindfolded and they would forced to eat it and later guessing what they ate. When they realized it was worms, they both go crazy trying to spit everything out. Yuck, she already ate most of the worms and dirt. Why the fuck does she go through all that? After that skit, there is a scene where Neveen is supposed to stick her hand inside a box full of mice and dead ones also. She was also supposed to take it out.(Not knowing what's inside) Once she took out a dead mouse,she goes ballistic and runs around the room. I'm like wtf,its not that serious. Well to me anyway. Here's the video.
Bad girls club,
radio show,
Neveen eating Cat Crap Video
I'm sure yall have heard about the video of Neveen eating cat shit in the Tyra Reunion or the show. Well I've seen this video around the time I posted about Radioplayhouse which is a radio station that Neveen works at and I think I should share this video to those who didn't see it yet. In one of the episodes of Radio Playhouse, Neveen made a bet with the other guys in the show to eat cat shit and if she does, she will win 20 bucks. It's the most disgusting thing ever. I can't believe Neveen did that even if it was a bet. I wouldn't do that shit, EVER. That's just too fucking nasty. Anyways, here's the video.
Bad girls club,
cat shit,
radio show,
Monday, February 18, 2008
Hear Tanisha Talk About The Bad Girls Club On The Emilio Show
Already Posted.. Sorry About That LOL :)
Tanisha interview on the Emilio Show
If you missed Tanisha's interview on The Emilio Show on Blogtalkradio. I've provided you the whole interview to listen to. You will learn a lot about Tanisha and know more info about the show when you listen in. Enjoy!
Bad girls club,
emilio show,
Tanisha From The Bad Girls Club On The Emilio Show
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The Bad Girls Club Season 2 Music Video
A Music video from the bad girls club season 2.. check it out for yourself and i think its a good music video i have the High Quality version for it and you can download it on megaupload. just click the link underneath the youtube video. what do you guys think of the music video
HQ Version
HQ Version
Saturday, February 16, 2008
New Bad Girl:Andrea
Anyone wonder who will be the next Bad Girl who will step in the house? Well a blond girl will be coming to the show very soon to be Lyric's replacement. She is 22 years old and is from Vancouver. You can see her in the previews, arguing with Darlen. She seems like a wild party girl to me. She didn't go on Tyra of course but you will be seeing her very soon. If you would like to add her myspace her link is Andrea's Myspace I cannot wait to see how the other girls will act around this new bad girl. I'm sure there will be lots of drama.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Zara Weighs In....
As we all pretty much know, season 1's Zara is pregant, but that still dosen't stop everyone's favorite crying, making out, reality princess from checking out the drama in the Bad Girls 2 house. Visit and reads Zara blogs over at the official bad gals site http://www.badgirlsclubonoxygen.com/zara_blog209.html |
Scott Seen On Flavor Of Love Three:Casting Special: UPDATE!
If you do not know this or realize yet, but Scott who is the man who fucks around with Cordelia in this Bad Girls season is seen on the Flavor Of Love Casting special as one of the casting directers for Detroit. He was there with another directer, picking out girls who should be on the show. Just seeing this makes me realize that he's there for TV. He doesn't love Cordelia like that. He just wanted to tap Cordelia because she seemed easy to him. He does not give a shit about her feelings and her relationship with Taylor. Also he was mainly there for TV but I realize that he is Jennavecia's friend. So is Jennavecia there for TV also or maybe she knows that Scott is desperate to be on tv so she let him come visit her to get a little spotlight in the show. I just can't stand him, I knew he was on something when I saw him on Bad Girls, but this takes the cake. If you do not believe me, go ahead and watch the casting special again.
UPDATE:I asked Cordelia about Scott and she said that Scott wasn't there for fame. He used to bitch about losing his job for being on the show. He is a casting director and lives in L.A. He met Jennavecia on one of the casting calls and they hit it off.
UPDATE:I asked Cordelia about Scott and she said that Scott wasn't there for fame. He used to bitch about losing his job for being on the show. He is a casting director and lives in L.A. He met Jennavecia on one of the casting calls and they hit it off.
Bad girls club,
casting special,
flavor of love,
Watch The Bad Girls Club Season 2 Cast On Tyra AGAIN
Now you can watch the bad girls club on tyra that was air on tuesday but now for those who haven't seen it.. now you can. ENJOY
Thursday, February 14, 2008
DeAnn tells us how to get the girls of season 1 and 2 together....
Bad Girls Season One and Two Come Together???????? First of all, yall fools seriously crack me up. Some of yalls e-mails are to die for. For all of those who are asking....I dont know what Oxygen or Bunim/Murray (the production company that calls all the shots) has in store for the Future Bad Girls Seasons. They havent mentioned anything to me about bring any of season one back....when we did the Road Trip Show one of the directors said they were "in talks about it" but thats all Ive heard. I cant answer any of yalls questions, because like I said they are unprodictable (did I spell that right?!) They will do what ever the public wants and what ever is going to get them the most viewers. If season one and season two under one roof is what you want then its them yall have to talk to not me. I doubt that they will put all of us girls under one roof, there would just be too many people and it would be to hectic Im sure. But hey you never know...they could always bring back the viewers favs from both seasons.... If thats what yall want you can e-mail them at feedback@oxygen.com let them know who you want back and maybe they can grant yalls wishes, they are the ones that hold the strings not us. I know Zara cant come back because she is about to have her first baby boy! YAY FOR HER!!!!!!! Im sooooooooo happy for her...thats all she has ever wanted, and she was told she would never be able to have children. Either the doctors were wrong or God has blessed her (or both) I wont be able to respond to any e-mails for a few days...going out of town. Be back on Sat. I LOVE YALL!!!!!!! |
Threesome and Then Some Cordelia and Andrea explore a newfound physical attraction; The girls throw a lingerie party. 03-25-2008 39. With Friends Like These... Hanna and Tanisha try to change Neveen; Scott flips out; Cordelia searches for a culprit. 03-18-2008 38. Bad Riddance Jennavecia quits her job and must leave the house; Cordelia emerges as the new leader of the Party Girls. 03-11-2008 37. Cordelia and the Chamber of Secrets Cordelia has a panic attack; Jennavecia quits her job; the girls get a new roommate. 03-04-2008 36. Taken for a Ride Jennavecia antics lead to an explosive confrontation; Darlen switches cliques; the first work party. 02-26-2008 35. Sucker Punched Tanisha and Jennavecia own up to their actions; Cordelia is tired of Scott and worried that dumping Taylor was a mistake. |
Eric's Episode 10 Review
What up? Now Eric is gonna be the one to review episode 10 for yall. I know I'm behind two episode reviews but I hope I can post that by this weekend for yall. But Eric is a good friend of Khi and he just loves the Bad Girls Club. He is also a very big fan of the Hyena Girls and even has a myspace fan page for them. www.myspace.com/therealericduffy Anyways here is his review.
Ok this episode was pretty interesting, as you seen last episode the girls made a little truce stating that it will be all love from that point on, well it did not last! it all started when the hyena sister set up a meeting for all the girls to talk together about house issues! But the party girls jen ,cords and darlen chose to go out for drink! that is jen and cords only! darlen was left out because they are supposedly "trying to help" her with her drinking problem. Darlen was really ticked on how they were leaving her out and being late for the meeting. But they did not care with they drunken selves! at this point they was getting on my damn nerves and I was starting to see the soft side of Darlen until she cut up that damn picture lol wait I am getting ahead of myself :)
Anyway, they arrived home late! and ticked the hyenas off! making hanna the most upset (FINALLY!) hanna called cordelia a pickle head bitch and that led to the meeting which led cordelia to tell hanna F you and that led hanna to act a freaking fool throwing pillows and going banannas lol (it was funny though) but later in the show the party girls EXCEPT DARLEN! was actin a damn ass putting there bras,shoes,and panties in the fridge and cutting holes in an ice cream cake box making it leak out from the sides! knowing the hyenas will get pissed! now fast fowarding the hyenas found out got mad like they always do (oh brother) and that point ladies and gentle men was the end of the truce.
BUT! Tanisha cannot seem to find her picture. she looks every where where is it? she thinks jen took it, she confronts jen they argue and try to fight (lol that was so hilarious seeing tanisha get held back by neveen and hanna hahahaha) Tanisha woke up that morning mad at jen yelling at her. But guess what darlen the girl that is supposed to be changing ripped the picture up! she promises to tell tanisha but before this can happen..... Tanisha tells jen to get off the computer and starts bugging her about the juice,jen leaves and Tanisha darts after her threatning her and telling her now you have fucked up jen says NO what?! what?! and causes a huge explosion all you see is tanisha pulling jens hair and pounding her in the head and then you hear her calling her bitch and backing all up into the camera lmao and then Neveen and the other girls run out there to stop it including neveen who seems to get tangled in the middle and BAM! TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!
Ok this episode was pretty interesting, as you seen last episode the girls made a little truce stating that it will be all love from that point on, well it did not last! it all started when the hyena sister set up a meeting for all the girls to talk together about house issues! But the party girls jen ,cords and darlen chose to go out for drink! that is jen and cords only! darlen was left out because they are supposedly "trying to help" her with her drinking problem. Darlen was really ticked on how they were leaving her out and being late for the meeting. But they did not care with they drunken selves! at this point they was getting on my damn nerves and I was starting to see the soft side of Darlen until she cut up that damn picture lol wait I am getting ahead of myself :)
Anyway, they arrived home late! and ticked the hyenas off! making hanna the most upset (FINALLY!) hanna called cordelia a pickle head bitch and that led to the meeting which led cordelia to tell hanna F you and that led hanna to act a freaking fool throwing pillows and going banannas lol (it was funny though) but later in the show the party girls EXCEPT DARLEN! was actin a damn ass putting there bras,shoes,and panties in the fridge and cutting holes in an ice cream cake box making it leak out from the sides! knowing the hyenas will get pissed! now fast fowarding the hyenas found out got mad like they always do (oh brother) and that point ladies and gentle men was the end of the truce.
BUT! Tanisha cannot seem to find her picture. she looks every where where is it? she thinks jen took it, she confronts jen they argue and try to fight (lol that was so hilarious seeing tanisha get held back by neveen and hanna hahahaha) Tanisha woke up that morning mad at jen yelling at her. But guess what darlen the girl that is supposed to be changing ripped the picture up! she promises to tell tanisha but before this can happen..... Tanisha tells jen to get off the computer and starts bugging her about the juice,jen leaves and Tanisha darts after her threatning her and telling her now you have fucked up jen says NO what?! what?! and causes a huge explosion all you see is tanisha pulling jens hair and pounding her in the head and then you hear her calling her bitch and backing all up into the camera lmao and then Neveen and the other girls run out there to stop it including neveen who seems to get tangled in the middle and BAM! TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
The Bad Girls Club - Download Episode 210
As Promise You Can Now Download The New Episode Of The Bad Girls Club That We All Was Waiting For Right Now...

The Bad Girls Club - Episode 210 - Return Of The Juice: Death Of The Truce(Tv Rip HQ)
The Bad Girls Club - Episode 210 - Return Of The Juice: Death Of The Truce(Tv Rip HQ)
Neveen Bad Girls Club Recap On Episode 210/Bumping Heads
Neveen talks about their appearance on The Tyra Banks Show, and later the party girls fight amongst each other, Hanna and Cordelia get into it, the party girls stuff their panties in the fridge and Tanisha and Jennavecia throw down.
Watch The Fight That Happen Last Night Again
p.s. im uploading the episode and will be posted once its done uploading
Watch The Fight That Happen Last Night Again
p.s. im uploading the episode and will be posted once its done uploading
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Bad Girls on tyra...
The wild and out of this world season 2 gals swang by the tyra show today and filled the studio with their usual milk throwing,drink spilling, skull cracking, arguements they always have, but Tyra didn't take it too well, please Tyra, this how it is lol. |
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Coming Soon...Interview with Kerry From Season 1!
Coming very soon is an exclusive interview that Khicago is making with Kerry from Bad Girls Club season 1. We will be finding out more about her, the basic info,what shes doing now,experiences in the house,drama between the girls and much more. So be sure to stand by for this interesting interview!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Neveen Bad Girls Club Recap On Episode 209/The Bad Girls Cast On Tyra
Neveen Talks About how she thinks that Darlen won't stop drinking and many more
On the other note: The Bad Girls Club Cast Will Be On The Tyra Show Next Tuesday At 10:00am on Fox(Depend what network show the tyra show) to talk about what really went down in the house.
On the other note: The Bad Girls Club Cast Will Be On The Tyra Show Next Tuesday At 10:00am on Fox(Depend what network show the tyra show) to talk about what really went down in the house.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Download Episode 209/Highlights To Come
Now you can download the new episode of the bad girls club and see whats left to come on the bad girls club season 2
Download Episode 209: The Bad Girls Club - Episode 209 - Love Conquers All(Tv Rip HQ)
Watch The Highlights of whats to come on Season 2 of the bad girls club
Download Episode 209: The Bad Girls Club - Episode 209 - Love Conquers All(Tv Rip HQ)
Watch The Highlights of whats to come on Season 2 of the bad girls club
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