Friday, December 28, 2007
The Bad Girls Club Season 2 Deleted Clips
Bad Girls Club Webisode
Bad Company(Part 1)
Bad Company(Part 2)
Battle Line
Deleted Clips
and don't think that i forgot about this site.. IM STILL HERE :)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Welcome The New Blogger For The Site! (Me)
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
how was everyone's christmas? Remeber, ep 4 airs january 1st! Remeber, promote the blog!!!! Wanna be a writer? just let us know! |
The Playhouse

You guys probably already know that Neveen is part of a morning radio show called the Playhouse. Along with other people named PK, Sonie, Scooter,Ivan, and Duryan. They do several segments that are either disgusting, hilarious and strange. Their radio station is on Jam 95.5. If any of yall care to see some Playhouse videos go here:
PlayhouseTv Youtube videos
And if you want their official website for more information about them click here:
Radio Playhouse
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Randy Couture Chokes Out Neveen
Monday, December 24, 2007
Lyric's Short Interview

Lyric Interview
Neveen's Short Interview

Neveen Short Interview
Hanna interview On Team Sugar

Hanna Short Interview
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Celebrity Smack Interviews Tanisha
Wolf of KOMP 92.3 Interviews Jennavecia
Neveen On Forever Eden

Friday, December 21, 2007
Nikki Carlisle..Cordelia's Porn name?

Ty Crosses The Line And Gets "Checked" By Me!
Excuse me hunny, but i think we can all agree that bad girls 2 is higher in ratings than bad girls 1 was around this time. Alot of these season 1 girls are jealous. Why? They are out of the spot light. Ty, you are a idiot if you really think Bad girls 1 was better in ratings around this time than season 2. And just in case you didn't know you confused sexuality ghetto peice of crap, there are 20 plus eps, this is just the third. Go back to school and quit beating up white girls on tv :)
DeAnn Returns To Reality TV!!!
Neveen's Bad Girls Club Recap Videos
DeAnn Wanna Take On Tanisha?
Just a little joke. After seeing how crazy this season's girls are, I do wanna see a show with BOTH season 1 girls and season 2 girls. DeAnn had suggested some challenge/competition show, that seems cool. I know i said season 1 girls weren't really bad, but that dosen't mean their not interesting. I mean you know you wanna see Lyric and Leslie peacemake together. You know you wanna see Tanisha and Ty hit it off, or Ripsi partying it up with Darlen and Jennavecia, or Zara and Cordelia becomings buds. You guys know you want that. Oxygen, if you're reading, give us that.
Maybe either something like vh1's Flavor Of Love Girls:Charm School or some other type of compeitition show.I think this should be the cast if a show like this was ever made:
Please oxygen, do some type of spin-off with both season's girls.
Whats good. I GOT MY OXYGEN BACK!!!!!!!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEEW. Ok, let me calm down,lol. Ok so i re-watched the first three eps and I must say this is a trip, i'm lovin this season!!!!!! I'm addicted. Now as for Episode 3, Cham pretty much recapped it, im just posting my review. Now as we know, the girls are split into two groups, The Party Girls and The More conservative girls. Now I want to be on a show like BGC or Real World but found it phony how every one feels relaxed going out to clubs, i never really been to one and i'm kinda shy so i'll feel a bit out of place, especially if I was by myself (not sayin i don't party, but house parties, shit like that and maybe a rave :) ) So it was refreshing to see girls who were all not "HEY LETS GO PARTY", because i would deffinatley be in the second group. Anyway on to the Ep. First off, I think Cordelia really shoulden't say certain things, but i'm like her, i say gross over the top stuff but just to be funny, some of it is real,lol But if someone wanna make fun of me for it, go ahead, i don't care, what i think is hot is hot, end of story. But while Cordelia was just trying to lighten the mood in ep 2 by saying that, she knows she would be hurt if someone brought it up. So Cordelia, somethings you gotta keep hush-hush. As for Darlen and Neveen, I really think Neveen,Hanna and Tanisha kind of took it too far, they are my teamates but i gotta admit it,lol They took it too far, well not too far, but they dragged it too much. Its like ok guys, Cordelia gets the point, i'm pretty sure she learned a lesson about being "too open". Point blank, The Good Bad Girls were playing too much with The Bad Bad Girls (nice huh? lol). And Neveen was playing with Dar a little too much with the names. But Darlen spitting on my girl wasen't cool. I felt for Neveen, I would have kept spitting back, got her in a corner and spat till i could spit no more,lol. BUT I UNDERSTAND EVERYBODY'S SIDE!!!! I understand why Dar did it, completely understand. And i also understand why Neveen wanted to beat the crap out of her. I love ALL the girls and can't choose sides and will not, just postin my thoughts and feelings. Remeber, i love ALL you girls, What some of you do may be wrong but believe me, my love for you all are still here. Remeber, Bad Girls 2 Ep 4 premieres New Years Day, NOT next Tues. |
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Chamillion's Episode 3 Review
Anyways, Neveen and Darlen chat and Neveen starts joking with her callin her a streetwalker and all that. She just keeps dogging her like that. lol Back in the pool, Neveen acts like a lil girl sayin sht like "I LOVE TO JUDGE PEOPLE CUZ ITS FUNNY!" *GIGGLES* wow but I really have to say that I am just like her. I am always judging people, even if I don't know them but of course if they cool, I will talk to them but I will make jokes sometimes just to play around. I do this with all my friends and other people. They seem to not mind and others get annoyed or just go along with it. I have to say that Darlen looks like an ugly corpse bride. LOL This just made me like Neveen. She's my official current fav cuz she reminds me of moi! The one thing I didnt like her sayin is that shes perfect but NOBODY is perfect and she ain't that great. She's just a normal girl who loves to joke around about people.
Anyway this pisses Darlen off so they splash water at each other and Darlen is being a nasty pig by spitting and coughing in Neveen's face. Ugh. Darlen's tit kept popping out and I know Neveen is dying to beat that bitch. Tanisha pulls her away but she won't leave her the fuck alone so when Jennavecia pulls Darlen away to talk to her. She whines and whines and talks sht while Cordelia comes in and talks with them. Neveen is whining also at the pool with Tanisha and other peeps I guess. When they confront each other again, they cuss each other out and then Darlen spills her drink at her. I was like "ohhhh sht I was hopin she wouldnt go home" Neveen is smart to not hit her even though Tanisha is like instigating going "SLAP THAT BITCH!" Instead Neveen spills milk at her for revenge. Wow...and then Tanisha is fucking sayin she wants to go home. wtf? Shes just instigating and SHE wants to go home? For some dumb sht. Later on, they kept getting at eachother's throats like little kids. "YOU GOT A BODY OF AN ASIAN BOY WITH SILOCONE ON YOUR TITS!" WTF? Okay thats all Ima say about this episode. I'll see yall next week if they give BGC but I dunno since its gonna be christmas next tues but if they do, I will be sure to write a review whenever I have time that day. I love writing in this blog and I love all the readers. So see yall next time, peace.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Bad Girls On E!!!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Short Q&A With Jennavecia from Celebrity Smack
Q&A With Jennavecia
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Hello World & New Bad Girls Pics
To add my myspace site Click Here
p.s. New Bad Girls Pictures Has Been Released Enjoy Them
Want More??? Click Here
oh, about that.....
Chamillion was puzzled over the Jennavecia on the couch thing, but I though it was a riot. I don't know where i was at that time, but i thought it was VERY funny when I saw it for the first time last night. That's Jennavecia, she's a crazy party girl. Shit like that, you just gotta laugh.
Alright, thats about it for now :)
Cordelia <3
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Chamillion's Episode 2 Review
Now the next day, everyone left the house and they left poor Darlen alone. Awwww Poor sweetie. She calls her mom up for support and she's like "Okay whatever" to her mom. I'm like, why you sayin whatever if your the one who wants to talk to her? Seems disrespectful. Later on this episode started to get all mushy, Cordelia starts spilling her feelings to Darlen and apologizing over and over. Sighhh Darlen starts crying about people saying she's a bad mother and then hugs Cordelia. Awww *gags* Now when Cordelia tries to get Tanisha and Darlen to patch things up, Tanisha is just laughing and doesn't wanna forgive her. She needs to get over it. All she called her was a fat bitch. Sheesh.
Now Jenniveca's friend comes over whom I don't care about. So Ima skip that lol. Now they go to a club and party and when they're in a car. We find out that Cordelia does PORN. UH OH, I bet she lost a lot of fans right now. I didn't expect that from her, maybe from the other girls. But it's all good, at least one girl from both seasons of Bad Girls Club does porn. There was a weird ass part when Jenn was gonna pee on the couch. I'm like WTF is up with her?? That wasnt even funny, it was just...strange. That's it for my review. I have to say that this episode was slightly better but it was too mushy. But we found out a huge thing about Cordelia. She did porn. iight, make sure you read my next review which is right after the next episode of Bad Girls Club on tues at 10 est. Peace.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Chamillion's Episode 1 Review
First off, when they went to the house, all the girls saw those free stuff. Tanisha and Cordelia thought up of an idea of sharing it equally so they left the room. After that Darlen and some other girls decided to snatch it all up. Once Tanisha found out, she went ballistic. I'm like what the fuck? Get over it and besides, you only talked to Cordelia about sharing the shit not everyone else right? You need to fuckin discuss that as a group so no one snatches the shit so it's Tanisha's fault for that drama. That's what I thought was one of the things I found dumb.
Next off, is the fact that Cordelia wouldnt stfu about the girls bein skinny and pretty and wishing she was them. I love Cordelia but she needs to have confidence in herself. She is not ugly at all. At least she aint fat. I understand how she was acting so out of place in the club because I have felt that way too. I felt bad for her. But I just found it funny, she was just standing there looking around like a scared kitten. Now the argument between Cordelia and Darlen was also dumb because Cordelia wouldn't stfu denying that she was insecure about herself and that she feels so out of place. Darlen understood that but got annoyed so I understand that. I don't know why Cordelia pushed Darlen in the first place. Sure, they were arguing but Darlen didn't even touch her. It was nice of Cordelia to tell Darlen that Tanisha is not a fat bitch when indeed she really is.
Anyways once Cordelia comes back to the house and tells Tanisha, she gets angry as fuck and starts yelling and kept sayin shes from brooklyn. I'm from New York and born from Brooklyn and I have to say that she's just a shame. She puts Brooklyn to shame. She needs to stop reppin Brooklyn because it's sad. Everyone from Brooklyn is shaking their heads probably. Tanisha pisses me off but she's good for entertainment. The argument with Tanisha and Darlen was so funny. Your going to hear a lot of "BACK THE FUCK UP!" throughout the whole season now. Okay, that's the end of my review. I have to say is that I liked this episode but it was too short. The arguements started with dumb shit but it was still entertaining to watch them argue. Make sure you watch episode 2 at 10 Est in Oxygen. I will be reviewing that episode also. Thanks and peace.
Episode 201
Thanks for backing me up, I appreciate it. That night I was overwhelmed and I felt really out of place, and I had been drinking heavily. I'm a bit of a crier when I'm drunk, happens to us all. I did walk into this house being really open, and I'm def. pretty ok with showing emotion. I don't consider crying a weakness, but I know some people do, whatever.
Also, don't think darlen is a bad guy on the show, i love her very much and she is one of the most loving and caring girls that i know.
Can't wait till next week, and if you want some more info, some of the bad girls have blogs also on (although this is my favorite blog around!)
Ok, Now that my rantings are done, lets move on shall we? :)
Can you believe it? Its season two baby! Time for seven NEW girls to move in together for four months to see if they could try and change their negative behavior. In this episode we met our seven new girls and they are:
Drama starts on the very first night when some of the girls starts calling certain things as theirs the moment they see them. Darlene does this when she sees some shoes, Hanna gets mad and tells Tanisha. Tanisha and Hanna confront Darlene about it, Darlene is pissed obviously but holds it in. Later on in the night, Darlene,Neveen,Jen,Cordelia and Lyric goes out to a club, Tanisha and Hanna stays home. At the club, Cordelia gets mad when the girls all pair off and leave her by herself. She tells a drunken Darlene about how she feels and Darlene, although wasted, tries her best to tell Cordelia she didn' t leave her alone on purpose. Pretty soon Darlene gets pissed with Cordelia as Cordelia continue to bring it up. Darlene tells Cor that anybody,including the "fat bitch", that wants to start shit can bring it (something to that effect). The two girls begins a pushing match, a fight is deffinatley going to happen, but it is quickly broken up by the rest of the girls. Once they all get home, Cordelia goes straight to the phone booth and begins to cry. Tanisha asks Cor whats wrong and Cor tells Tanisha everything Darlene said, including the fight they both were about to get into. Hurt,sad and probably embaressed, Cordelia threatens to go home but Tanisha tells her its the first night and that she came a long way to get where she's at now.
Tanisha soon becomes pissed thinking about what Darlene had said at the club, Tanisha thought that they all had put that disagreement about the shoes to rest. Tanisha waits up for Darlene and when Darlene comes in Tanisha confronts her. Darlene starts to lash out and the two begins a screaming match as the tension boils......TO BE CONTINUED.
Wow, drama drama drama, don't you love it? What do I have to say? Well I think Cordelia shouldn't show her sensitive side openly, especially to a group of strangers you do not know yet. I understand where she was coming from though, here she was in a new environment, cameras and lights following you around, you roomates just pairing off and leaving you alone and you feeling like somethings wrong with you. I understand that and I give Cordelia much love for being honest, but with stangers, you can't show your weaknesses because some will take that and use it against you. Thats my word for this Ep.
Oh, and people, keep in mind these first few eps were filmed months ago like back in July, so lets not nail Darlene to the cross just yet. As a matter o fact, Dar and Tanisha are cool, Tanisha has Dar on her top friends. First impressions are always a bitch.
And btw, The whole fat jokes are soo old, who even still does that shit? This is directed at the ppl on the messeage board, i'm going to stop going there too but I just wanted to say that, I mean come on, all of america's fat, so when ppl make jokes, to be honest, their not funny, their boring and rude, so lets grow up shall we? Thanks.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Recap and review of EP 1 tomorrow!
What Did You Guy's Think?
The blog is NOT done :)
Monday, December 3, 2007
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Also, Cordelia will be joining the blog soon!