I've done some research on Cordelia's porn past and I found out that her porn name is Nikki Carlisle. She was on Sex Tour U.S.A, Bang Bros(Big Mouthfuls), Just Swinging around, and a Bruno B movie which is probably some porn movie. If you wanna see some of her porn pictures and her video, click on the link below. But just beware of what you will see. Viewer Discretion is advised. please click on it at your own risk.
She is also in SEX TOUR USA doing gangbang action nice!!
you are better than that Cordelia. I know you are beauiful person on the inside you are just hurt by life who is not. It's how you deal with it baby girl i hope you realize how much God love you and gave you life to him before it is a day or minute to late. Your soul is at steak here, think about it. calleyr@hotmail.com. Want to talk to me!
I can't believe it's really her! I mean when she said it on TV I didnt take it serious ...who cordelia you really out done yourself......
so what dude,theres lots of girls who have done internet work. cordelia is just a more known one,because of the bgc. i highly doubt she is the only one on tv who has done"dirty" stuffs. she just maybe shoulnt have said so on the show. she is no less human,so leave her be.
not to be mean but her boobs are really uneven .. one sags and the other doesnt .. that sucks .. one should get that fixed before they do porn
all the info anyone will ever need about her:
This was a really great contest and hopefully I can attend the next one. It was alot of fun and I really enjoyed myself.. ข่มขืน
She is such a sweet person with a big heart who is now a mathematician. She was 19 in these videos everyone deserves a second chance. Plus she’s super hot, stop hating!!
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