The Bad Girls Club - Episode 204 - Music & Lyrics(TV RIP HQ)
P.S. Im sorry if im not here often. im very busy and to those that are upset im sorry(what can i say) im not a person that sits by a computer all day uploading shows. no i have Things to do and places to go. So again im sorry for those that are upset just hope you all understand where im coming from =)
But i will upload the episode that was air last week Tomorrow :)
Speaking for myself (and hopefully most of us here), you shouldn't have to apologize. I work, have a garden, and tend to my social life. That leaves only a couple of hours a day at the most that I can be at the computer at all.
Its cool enough that there actually IS a BCG blog this season and we get to see episodes and get news on the show. If people are mad or upset then they need to get a grip :P
Thank you very much Jinx for understanding. Yes all of us writers have lives which is why I stopped doing episode reviews. I just can't keep up with it since I'm so busy so I'll just stick with news or anything I find about the girls. (I don't think anyone reads my reviews anyway :p lolz)
i read your reviews chamillion. i find i miss things and the reviews point them out. yes, i appreciate all of you. thanks for putting your time into this. def no need to apologize - i'll take whatever vids, newsbits, .. you guys can give
thank you, thank you
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