Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Bad Girls Club Season 3: Trailer (BAD JUST GOT GOOD
Friday, September 26, 2008
Hanna To Be On Bad Girls 3?
I heard from Markus(Who appeared on BGC2) That Hanna is supposedly returning on the Bad Girls Season 3. Hanna has supposedly dyed her hair for the new season. My only question is, who in their right mind would spend four months in a crazy house and then return for anout four? Hanna has gone crazy yall! More info later, we'll be getting this confirmed soon.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
First member of Bad Girls SEASON 3 Revealed!
Hey guys, we've been really skimpy with "juicy" info, but hey, Bad Girls 2 is done and Oxygen is keeping Bad Girls 3 under tight wraps. But yesterday, Joey sent me the very first member of BGC3 myspace, but before you check it out, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't bombard her with questions about the show, its still filming! And not only that but the show doesen't stop filming untill November so please, try not to ask her about whats going on and who the other girls are. BTW, she looks like JoJo from season 1, well atleast in that pic:
Also, this blog will be returning with the latest bad girls news and I hope you all spread the word about it :)
Also, this blog will be returning with the latest bad girls news and I hope you all spread the word about it :)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
Defining 'Mandrea'
Andrea seemed to have written an interesting yet funny blog about the word Mandrea which is an insult that people have called her. Her and her friend looked up the word on Urbandictionary and decided to share her research on the word through a myspace blog. Now people have asked me about the link to the blog, but you can only usually see it if you added Andrea's as a friend on myspace or if she puts her blog on public(Or her myspace on public)But if you want to check it, the link is in the bottom..
I know I know, the show is over... why am I posting crap like this anymore? Because its funny, that's why. One of my friends (who I heart dearly) looked this up today on Urbandictionary.com while I was on the phone with him, and I had to share it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did... I couldn't believe this actually has a definition, but fucking A, it does.
1. Mandrea
1. A girl with the name Andrea, who is acting manly or unfeminine.
2. A girl with the name Andrea, who consistently acts more like a guy than a girl.
"Seriously Andrea, when you talk like that, I may as well call you 'Mandrea.'"
"You swear like a sailor Mandrea."
"Hey Mandrea, how about you bring it down a notch? I'm starting to question my manhood."
2. Mandrea" is a poor insult towards anyone with the given name of "Andrea." Albeit such may at first seem clever, the fact is that by calling someone this one is actually only displaying his own stupidity. For, the days of insulting someone's gender cease when one graduates third grade.
So, unless you are nine, or mentaly handicapped, the aforementioned word should be forgotten; as once again, it is pathetic.
No one should claim that the word "Mandrea" is funny.
Such is the case because the word "Mandrea" is not funny.
However, if one really feels it necessary to alter the name "Andrea," his best bet is to go with "Grandrea." This is funny until the "Andrea" at hand is admitted into an old folks home, then it is true, and consequently is no longer humorous.
Bad girls club,
Saturday, July 26, 2008
New Updated For Season 3 Of The Bad Girls Club
Hello everyone.. Its Been A Long Time Since I Posted Here.. Well Let Me Just Say That I Have New News For Season 3.. The Bad Girls Club Season 3 Will Start filming In August And Done Taping On November.. Then Starts Airing In December 2008 which i am very exicited about because i wanna see who is the new girls in town... here is more info
Oxygen has ordered a third season of "The Bad Girls Club," the network's highest-rated original series ever to date. For the first time, the show's format has been expanded from half-hour to one-hour, giving new episodes even more drama, more conflict and more outrageous laughs. From Bunim-Murray Productions, the groundbreaking producers of "The Real World," "The Bad Girls Club" is currently casting and scheduled to begin production in August, with season three scheduled to premiere this winter
P.S. thebadgirlsclubvids from youtube has posted a new clip about season 3 check it out.
Oxygen has ordered a third season of "The Bad Girls Club," the network's highest-rated original series ever to date. For the first time, the show's format has been expanded from half-hour to one-hour, giving new episodes even more drama, more conflict and more outrageous laughs. From Bunim-Murray Productions, the groundbreaking producers of "The Real World," "The Bad Girls Club" is currently casting and scheduled to begin production in August, with season three scheduled to premiere this winter
P.S. thebadgirlsclubvids from youtube has posted a new clip about season 3 check it out.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Andrea's Update
Now I haven't posted in this blog for a while but that's mainly because BGC season 2 is over and there hasn't been much updates anymore besides the auditions going about for season 3. Andrea has created a blog as a update for what's going on in her life currently..
P.S It might be possible that Lyric might be pregnant! I'll give you updates when I find further news about that.
So its been a while since I wrote last and so much has happened in my life. The reunion happened, the show wrapped up and I found myself on the verge of new things and a new life.
I have been living in the bay area for about 7 months now and its time to move again.
Let me just say that this whole experience was not an easy one. Its hard sometimes to see yourself on tv, all your flaws and mistakes, all your pain and joy exposed. Its also so odd to have people you don't even know judge and criticize you for the stupidest reasons. But I say, if you are so ignorant to think you know me, it just proves your opinion doesn't matter. Now that everything is over and done with its almost funny at what a big deal it seemed at the time. In all truth, it was just a moment in my life that taught me some lessons. Now I get to look forward to so much more importnat things.
This last week or so has been really hard for personal reasons. I have a had a lot of drama lately, almost BGC level drama lol.
Basically I found myself in a really bad situations and really had to lean on friends for support. I have learned the most valuable lessons and I really think the last week has changed my perspective on life. I realize that friends and loved ones, people who care about you are really the only thing in life that matters. That and your health.
Its so cliche, but if you don't have people who love you, you have nothing. Purses, clothes, makeup, shoes, none of that shit matters for shit. If I hadn't had friends to help me through the last week, I don't know what I would have done. I have gotten through some really hard stuff, and I am a much stronger person now than I used to be. But without love in your life, nothing really matters. All my stuff just held me back and made me see how unimportant it was. I have shit I own that just ends up owning me. Materials don't mean anything. I seriously don't have to desire to shop or buy things.
I used to be awful about this. I would date a guy to see what he would buy me. I would have designer everything. If a guy didn't buy me something, I would get pissed and be a bitch. It was totally evil, and it was completely shallow. But I guess I felt like if a guy didn't buy me shit it meant he didn't really care about me or value me. It never made me happy really. And now all I have are boxes of crap I don't need. Boxes of crap I am owned by.
I would rather have a guy want to spend his whole day with me than a single cent.
Its funny how the shittiest experiences can be the most powerful. I wish that so many bad things didn't have to happen, but I think maybe they are meant to teach us. I am not a victim in all of this shit, I am strong and I am a survivor. And I can't wait to live my life and see the changes in me help me flourish and thrive.
Love is all you need.
P.S It might be possible that Lyric might be pregnant! I'll give you updates when I find further news about that.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
http://www.realitywanted.com/call/2686-the-bad-girls-club-season-3-now-casting I got a profile at reality wanted hoping against hope that i'll find a casting ccall thats perfect for me, but I found the official casting call for BAD GIRLS 3!!!!
Are you as rude as Aimee? Are you as loud as Tanisha? Are you as nutz as Ripsi and Darlen? Then go become a badgirl this saturday!
And about road trip, I was told by a badd girl that it was going to happen, they even gave me the list, but I was told by Markus that the road trip isn't happening. But idk.
Are you as rude as Aimee? Are you as loud as Tanisha? Are you as nutz as Ripsi and Darlen? Then go become a badgirl this saturday!
And about road trip, I was told by a badd girl that it was going to happen, they even gave me the list, but I was told by Markus that the road trip isn't happening. But idk.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Download Season 1 Episodes Of The Bad Girls Club
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Bad Girls Club Season 3 Girls???
Wikipedia Has Just conform the girls from Season 3 here is what the website say
The third season of the hit reality-based series set to debut on Oxygen Network late December 2008. it will feature, Crystal, Amanda, Rhianna, Abby, Sammantha, Alea, Dona,
keep an eye out for these bad girls
Source: Wikipedia
So if this is true then lets see what they got but those name makes those girls sound weak LMAO Don't know yet =) we all have to wait till December 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Andrea Interview On T.A.S Variety Show
Andrea calls in late for the interview so skip to about 30 minutes into the show if you want.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Dear fans/viewers
many of you have alerted me to the nonsense that Jennavecia is posting online about me. I will address this right now and here: I am flattered that Jennavecia has dedicated the time, resources, and energy to a website/video tribute to me. She can badmouth me all she wants, but it is truly a testament to how pathetic, ridiculous. and desperate she is. Her numerous self-promoting posts on the messages boards, anti-cordelia rants, and general bullshit just showcase how pathetic she is. I do not have the time to waste on her, nor do i want to encourage her childish drama, so this is the only response i will give. I do not care what she has to say, as I've mentioned, I am flattered that she cares soooooo much about me, however, i think she is a worthless piece of trash that deserves nothing but our pity. Let her post her videos and blogs, let her hate on me all day, she has nothing to say that i havent made public already. I hope that she will eventually tire of her meaningless petty attacks on me, and get back to things that matter; i.e. her daughter that she will never again gain custody of, her wasted, drug-addled life, her non-existent future, or which street she will panhandle on today.
thanks so much,
many of you have alerted me to the nonsense that Jennavecia is posting online about me. I will address this right now and here: I am flattered that Jennavecia has dedicated the time, resources, and energy to a website/video tribute to me. She can badmouth me all she wants, but it is truly a testament to how pathetic, ridiculous. and desperate she is. Her numerous self-promoting posts on the messages boards, anti-cordelia rants, and general bullshit just showcase how pathetic she is. I do not have the time to waste on her, nor do i want to encourage her childish drama, so this is the only response i will give. I do not care what she has to say, as I've mentioned, I am flattered that she cares soooooo much about me, however, i think she is a worthless piece of trash that deserves nothing but our pity. Let her post her videos and blogs, let her hate on me all day, she has nothing to say that i havent made public already. I hope that she will eventually tire of her meaningless petty attacks on me, and get back to things that matter; i.e. her daughter that she will never again gain custody of, her wasted, drug-addled life, her non-existent future, or which street she will panhandle on today.
thanks so much,
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Bad Girls Club Season 2 Reunion Special
Now the episode of the reunion is posted but the episode of the bad girls club will not be posted here anymore you can now go to thebadgirlsclubdownload.blogspot.com to get the reunion special in a High Quality Format uploaded it on megaupload
Luv Joey
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Jennavecia Calls Out Cordelia Part 2
If you checked out Jennavecia's website, Cordeliasucks.com, you should've seen her first video promoting her T-shirt and the whole website. Now she made a quick part 2 video, continuing to bash Cordelia.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Cordelia Sucks Website
Recently, Jennavecia has created a website called www.Cordeliasucks.com She has been meaning to mention this during the reunion but Star Jones cut her off on what she was going to say. Her T-shirt that she was wearing was promoting the website. I think this is just so immature of her but hey what can you expect? It's coming from Jennavecia. So if your curious, go ahead and check out the website.
Cordelia Sucks
Cordelia Sucks
Bad girls club,
star jones,
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Now its your Chance to be in The Oxygen Hit Series The Bad Girls Club Season 3
think you have what it takes?? prove it..
Monday, May 19, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
The Bad Girls Club Season 2 Reunion Sneak Peak
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Download Episode 2x23 *All BAD Things Must Come To An End* SEASON FINALE
Well this Tuesday was the last and Finale episode of The Bad Girls Club Season 2 which i was very sad to see it end because i felt like i know these girls lmao because this season show been on since December 2007 and i will miss these girls like i miss Season 1 girls. I hope i get to see them on tv again. So all is left is the Reunion which will air next tuesday at a special time 9:30pm - 10:30pm and The Bad Girls Club Road Trip Season 2 which Rumors are that Tanisha , Cordelia And Darlen will be on this season Road Trip But thats not Official yet sooo see you guys Next Season of The Bad Girls Club and Road Trip.. I WILL STILL BE POSTING =) =)

The Bad Girls Club - Episode 2x23 - All BAD Things Must Come To An End(TV RIP HQ)
The Bad Girls Club - Episode 2x23 - All BAD Things Must Come To An End(TV RIP HQ)
Saturday, May 10, 2008
The End Is Near...
Well everyone, we have made it to the very end of an explosive season of the bad girls club. The Bad Girls Club 2 was all that we wanted the first to be, more drama, more omg moments and more bad girls. This was an excelent season and whether you may hate them or not, you gotta give all to all eight of this season bad girls and last season bad girls for entertaining us:
Thank you Aimee,Ty,Leslie,Jodie,Kerry,Zara,Ripsi,DeAnn,Joanna,Andrea,Tanisha,Neveen,Hanna,Darlen,Cordelia,Jennavecia,Lyric and Andrea for a great two seasons of drama.
Now, the Bad Girls season finale is next week, now that the party girls have been detroyed, the hyenas are on the virge of extinction as well. After the explosive finale get ready for the reunion show which will reunite all eight bad girls, the show will be an hour long and be hosted by Star Jones.
Whats next?
Well Bad Girls:Road Trip is in the works for this summer, I know whose going to be on it but i'm on the virge of letting the cat out of the bag so here are hints at the three bad girls that'll be on Road Trip:
Hope you guys get it ;) Keep your eyes on the blog, big things are about to get popping, I primise you! AND THANK YOU CHAMILLION AND BADGIRLSFANCLUB FOR KEEPING THE BLOG GOING WHILE I WAS IN LA LA LAND, LOL.
Thank you Aimee,Ty,Leslie,Jodie,Kerry,Zara,Ripsi,DeAnn,Joanna,Andrea,Tanisha,Neveen,Hanna,Darlen,Cordelia,Jennavecia,Lyric and Andrea for a great two seasons of drama.
Now, the Bad Girls season finale is next week, now that the party girls have been detroyed, the hyenas are on the virge of extinction as well. After the explosive finale get ready for the reunion show which will reunite all eight bad girls, the show will be an hour long and be hosted by Star Jones.
Whats next?
Well Bad Girls:Road Trip is in the works for this summer, I know whose going to be on it but i'm on the virge of letting the cat out of the bag so here are hints at the three bad girls that'll be on Road Trip:
Hope you guys get it ;) Keep your eyes on the blog, big things are about to get popping, I primise you! AND THANK YOU CHAMILLION AND BADGIRLSFANCLUB FOR KEEPING THE BLOG GOING WHILE I WAS IN LA LA LAND, LOL.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Download Episode 2x22 *Pimp Down*
Ok this episode was crazy, funny, and soooo much drama.. i knew that somewhere in this season neveen and Tanisha was going to get into and they did.

The Bad Girls Club - Episode 2x22 - Pimp Down(TV RIP HQ)
Before I End This Post I Would Like To Say Something To Neveen If She Every go or read this site.. I just want to say that if i was your friend i wouldn't trust you at all because for 1 your a two face person and for 2 if you really care for a friend that was lock up you would of call the jail and ask how much is the your friend bail Cordelia shouldn't be doing that it should of been you no matter if your friend don't want to talk to you i mean i don't you hate you neveen but if i was your friend i wouldn't trust you at all. But all you do is talk a lot of crap behind peoples back but i was glad of Tanisha getting in your face and screaming at you because you deserve that and what you see is what you get.. Judging people and calling people name is not a good thing because Karma is a Bitch and it will come back for you.. that all i have to say im not trying to be mean im just letting you know how i feel and thats all.. but i still got love for you lol
Enjoy the Episode
The Bad Girls Club - Episode 2x22 - Pimp Down(TV RIP HQ)
Before I End This Post I Would Like To Say Something To Neveen If She Every go or read this site.. I just want to say that if i was your friend i wouldn't trust you at all because for 1 your a two face person and for 2 if you really care for a friend that was lock up you would of call the jail and ask how much is the your friend bail Cordelia shouldn't be doing that it should of been you no matter if your friend don't want to talk to you i mean i don't you hate you neveen but if i was your friend i wouldn't trust you at all. But all you do is talk a lot of crap behind peoples back but i was glad of Tanisha getting in your face and screaming at you because you deserve that and what you see is what you get.. Judging people and calling people name is not a good thing because Karma is a Bitch and it will come back for you.. that all i have to say im not trying to be mean im just letting you know how i feel and thats all.. but i still got love for you lol
Enjoy the Episode
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Tanisha's Experience in Jail
Tanisha has wrote 2 blogs discussing what went down in the club and also about being in jail. It's a pretty interesting blog with a lot of information and her side to the story.
Everything was going great. The crowd was heavy the music was dope. And this dumb bimbo came out of no where and sat om our VIP couch. I was like damn bitch that's extremely gangster. But anyways Neveen got her to get up and move. A little while after Hanna and the same girl started exchanging words and hanna decide that she was going to give this girl a bath with her drink. I got really pissed at hanna because I felt like there was no need to through the drink. I immediately felt the tension between that stupid bimbo girl and her wack ass clique against us. So I pulled Neveen to the side and said let's go. Neveen turned around to hanna and said let's just keep on dancing. And that's when the unthinkable happened....Darlene turned into super woman and flew across the air and slammed down on top of the bimbo girl. And as if that wasn't enough the bimbos boyfriend and his friends were trying to fight Darlene. And I was like hell no. So I started pushing them away from Darlene and screaming at them to get away. But they kept insisting on fighting......Well we all know what ended up happening next......So the police showed up and they decided that they were going to separate me from everyone else so they could question me. They were so mean and disrespectful. There was one officer who was chewing tobacco the whole time and he just kept insisting that I was the one who hit some random guy over the head with a glass pitcher. They told me that every thing's going to be fine and to wait patiently while they ask everyone else questions. Hanna and Neveen kept trying to explain what happened but the police clearly didn't care about what they had to say. A little while after the officer chewing tobacco came in and said to me "your under arrest, anything you say or do will be used against you in the court of law"..I was like"yo,I didn't do anything roll back the tape in the club, ask somebody I was trying to break up the fight". They didn't care about what I had to say they obviously had their minds made up. They basically told me that I could do this the easy way or the hard way. So I shrugged and stood there looking at the officer like do what you have to do he then spit out the tobacco right at my foot and slammed me against the wall and hand cuffed me.They took me to the prescient and I thought for sure that I was going to get released. In the back of my head it was all just a misunderstanding I kept hoping that somehow someway I would be allowed to go back home....The police were disgusting they made comments about my weave and made inappropriate sexual comments about my chest, It was so horrible and uncomfortable I felt like I was caught in a nightmare. They stuck me in a holding cell that stunk so bad. There was urine everywhere and they insisted I sit down but I refused not to. I had to stay up and alert at all times. Ha I ended up standing for a whole two and a half hours When one of the arresting officers met with me he kept trying to make me admit to hitting the guy over the head. He told me he would understand if it was just by accident and I was trying to belp me friend. He didn't want me to write a statement because he said that it really wouldn't matter and he said that I will definitely be going to jail........It really didn't hit me until I was stripped of my jewelry,stripped searched and fingerprinted. I mean you would think taking a mugshot would be harder than fingerprints. But it wasn't. I just flashed back to all of the job applications and screenings I have attended in confidence because I had never had any type of criminal history and I just broke down. I was certain that my life was over . I kept hearing that "It's a misdemeanor charge you'll be out by monday." It wasn't until I stepped inside of my cell that I heard otherwise. The girls were like "girl, who the hell told you, you getting out by monday? girl, monday is a holiday so that means your not getting out of here until wednesday or thursday." I was like what?! I mean I took a look around me it was a dark cold room with about 20 bunk beds and two toilets and one sink. I stood up and couldn't move for awhile. Until A girl named Tricia pointed to an open bunk and said to me "girl get comfy and from what I heard your charge is, assault with a deadly weapon you better sit down and relax cause your going to be in here a long long time".
Jail was hell. God I never imagined me not being able to be in control of what I ate or when I showered. It was a living nightmare. And to make matters worse I ended up fighting with some of the other cell mates. One of them kept insisting that I smell her unused frangranced maxi pad. I was like bitch are u insane? Then one afternoon I woke up and she had some of them lined up around my head I nicely came down from the top of my bunk bed and asked her why would she do this after I told her not to, She started saying that she's from the west side and she don't give a f and what was I going to do about it..I looked at her and stepped up right to her face and slapped the shit out of her. After that she slept near the door and got rid of all of her pads too....
So finally after days of being in jail, and hours of being in a crazy inhumane court house I was told that I was free to go and that the DA decided to throw away my case.I was sooo relieved. I felt like I had won something amd justice came to me. And most importantly I was sooo happy that I stuck things out and not have my mom waste 6,000 to bail me out.
This episode really BURNED me. Honestly. I NEVER KNEW NEVEEN HAD SO MUCH HATRED FOR ME. It's funny because I would have expected that from Darlene or even Hanna....But deep down I knew she was fucked up and that's why I went off on her ass. It wasn't about the damn hot iron it was about the "friendship" I thought we had. I mean if the roles were reversed Neveen would have been mad at me too. I mean it's understandable why I was so upset. for god's sake I was in jail innocently! Neveen talked alot of shit about who's fault it was and it's like ok it's not your fault Neveen then why the hell are you so defensive. I mean I was supposed to be your friend. I called you my PIC (partner In crime) I would have never ever done that to you ever!! It's funny to me that the moment I am gone for one second my name becomes chewing gum and you chew on me and spit me out. But it's all good. Because "WHO GOD BLESS, NO MAN CURSE!!!" And I am a strong black woman and I know that I did NOT do anything to be put in jail. And I know that my heart is clean and I never had any type of hatred or animosity towards you or Hanna. God bless you if you can sleep at night if you honestly feel like I was in the wrong and you were right. The fucking oscar goes to you for your performance in playing to be my friend. You couldn't even say hello hi I'm sorry about what happened nothing huh? I will levae you to Karma. And she will fix your ass. God says revenge is his. How dare you talk about it's my fault that I went to jail? What kind of fucking friend are you? What the hell made you so damn cold blooded and relentlessly bitter? It's sad because my instincts sort of let me down with you. Usually they protect me but they didn't warn me that the one person I felt the closest to hated me with a nasty passion. I have one question though so this whole time were you friends with me because you didn't fit in with the other girls? Or were you friends with me because you needed protection?....(shaking my head)*I JUST WANT TO SAY THAT THE WOMEN THAT I HAVE MET WHILE IN JAIL, I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU. I HONESTLY BELIEVE IN MY HEART THAT GOD WANTED ME TO MEET ALL OF YOU. YOUR STORIES INSPIRED ME AND TOUCHED ME IN WAYS THAT MADE ME LOOK AT MYSELF IN WAYS I HAVE NEVER DONE. STAY STRONG AND STAY CALM. BECAUSE REMEMBER YOU MIGHT BE INNOCENT BUT YOU MIGHT ALSO FIT THAT DESCRIPTION..ALSO TO THE LAPD AND THE DAY AFTER CLUB I WILL SEE YOUR ASSES IN COURT!!!!!!Peace I love you allthanks so much for your supportreal bad gurl,Tanisha
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Neveen Bad Girls Club Recap On Episode 222
Neveen talks about how she tried to tell the cops that Tanisha didn't do anything. and talks about her and Tanisha Clash
p.s. Her and Tanisha Are Still Friends =)
p.s. Her and Tanisha Are Still Friends =)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
The Bad Girls Club Season 2 Reunion Special

Ok Everyone Well Next Tuesday Is The 1 Part 2 Part Season Finale Of The Bad Girls Club Season 2 Which Tanisha Comes Out Of Jail No To Happy.. Neveen And Hanna Will be Getting Into It With Tanisha So Its A 1 Part 2 Part Season Finale DRAMA!!!.. there is a reunion that was just taped and will air on May 20th at 9:30pm. The reason why it starts early is because its an Hour Long Special and Oxygen still have to air A New Series Deion & Pilar: Prime Time Love At 10:30pm so thats maybe why The Bad Girls Club Season 2 Reunion Start At 9:30pm.. As you seen in a Sneak Preview Last Tuesday About Lyric Telling Tanisha That She is "Cheese Burger Away From Obese" Which Tanisha Doesn't Seem To Like That Remark So She Get up And Say "Boo I Am Fabulous" And She Start To Walk Towards Lyric So They Cut It off And Went To A Break So I Don't Know whats going to happen in the Reunion But What I Do Know Is That SOMEONE Hits Andrea.. Find Out Who It Is On May 20th At 9:30pm Only On Oxygen...
Friday, May 2, 2008
Andrea's Thoughts On The Show
So Andrea leaves the house and so in this blog, Andrea gives out her thoughts and opinions on her experience on being in the house and the girls while also discussing her side of what she did during the show.
What a wild ride. I just wanted to thank all of you out there. Especially in the last few days your letters and comments have really meant a lot to me.
Some people have said that I shouldn't have left because that was what the girls wanted. Well, it was what I wanted as well. I know it doesn't show the passage of time, but I actually stayed along about a week after they had all confronted me on the blog. However, I don't like doing things that make me unhappy and staying in a house where I was hated falls in that category. Yeah, I did some fucked up stuff and I was shady but I don't think anything I did was so horrible that I needed to stick around and be screamed at. I will never regret leaving. I think the girls were glad I left as well. Everyone's happy. I also don't think it was a sign of weakness. It was a sign of self preservation. Even with all the mistakes and fuck ups I made, I think I am actually a good person. And I am very lucky. Who else gets to learn so much about themselves and actually watch themselves living life through another person's eyes? Not many people. This experience really taught me so much and it helped me grow a tougher skin. I know that I am beautiful, intelligent and strong. More so today than ever before in my life.
And all the little childish insults that people throw at me and write about only make me laugh. People who are so hateful and jealous are really just sad inside and need to become better people. But it's not my job to point out all of your flaws. You already know them, because you have to live with them. How awful for you.
I can say that since the show I have done a lot of work on myself. I am figuring out who I am more and more each day, and I know what I really want in my life. And the most important thing to me is people in my life that I can trust and love as much as they love me.
I was really mad at Cordelia after I watched the episode. But I still consider her a friend. This all happened in November so a lot of time has gone by and a lot of things have occured. I think she has a good soul, but she is not a bitch to fuck with. We both live in the bay area, so we have been watching a lot of the episodes together. During that time we have talked a great deal about what happened in the bad girls house. I think it changed us a lot.
I never talked to the other girls, but I really don't hate any of them. I believe that what people say and think about you is about them and you really can't take anything personally in this world. If you do, you will just get eaten alive inside. And no one needs that.
Hugs, Kisses, Naughty Wishes
Download Episode 2x21 * Happy Trails*
Hey Everyone The New Episode Of The Bad Girls Club Is Now Uploaded And i hope you all like this episode and more drama is still a head next week is a 2 part season finale.. then theirs a Reunion The one-hour special, which was filmed in front of a live audience Which Will Air On May 20th At 9:30pm if im not mistaken

The Bad Girls Club - Episode 2x21 - Happy Trails(TV RIP HQ)
Tanisha Will Get Out Of Jail Maybe By Cordelia Who Will Pay Her Out(Who Knows) But Tanisha Is Not Coming Out Of Jail Happy!
Did The Police Had The Right To Lock Up Tanisha?? What Do You Think??
The Bad Girls Club - Episode 2x21 - Happy Trails(TV RIP HQ)
Tanisha Will Get Out Of Jail Maybe By Cordelia Who Will Pay Her Out(Who Knows) But Tanisha Is Not Coming Out Of Jail Happy!
Did The Police Had The Right To Lock Up Tanisha?? What Do You Think??
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Video Of Jennavecia On Fear Factor
I made a post long ago showing people that Jennavecia used to be an Fear Factor and I even posted a link to her picture in the contestants section. Well I found a video where you see her on the show. Just skip to 5:00 where it's her turn to do the stunt. Enjoy..
Another stripping Video?
Looks like Darlen was in another stripping video before she went on Bad Girls Club. She deleted that other video that I posted since she said it was too embarassing. She might delete this one also but we'll see..just check it out before she deletes it. Well here's the other video she was in where she strips.
Download Episode 220 *Three's A Crowd*
as promise now u will get to download the new episode of the bad girls club
only 1 episode left for the season finale

The Bad Girls Club - Episode 220 - Three's A Crowd(TV RIP HQ)
only 1 episode left for the season finale
The Bad Girls Club - Episode 220 - Three's A Crowd(TV RIP HQ)
Download Episode 219 *Ghouls Gone Wild*
Very sorry if this is very late but don't panic i have the episode ready to download i will have the new episode that was air this Tuesday maybe today or tomorrow but for now here is episode 219

The Bad Girls Club - Episode 219 - Ghouls Gone Wild(TV RIP HQ)
The Bad Girls Club - Episode 219 - Ghouls Gone Wild(TV RIP HQ)
Monday, April 21, 2008
Download Episode 204 *Music & Lyric*
Download Episode 204 Of The Bad Girls Club Season 2

The Bad Girls Club - Episode 204 - Music & Lyrics(TV RIP HQ)
P.S. Im sorry if im not here often. im very busy and to those that are upset im sorry(what can i say) im not a person that sits by a computer all day uploading shows. no i have Things to do and places to go. So again im sorry for those that are upset just hope you all understand where im coming from =)
But i will upload the episode that was air last week Tomorrow :)
The Bad Girls Club - Episode 204 - Music & Lyrics(TV RIP HQ)
P.S. Im sorry if im not here often. im very busy and to those that are upset im sorry(what can i say) im not a person that sits by a computer all day uploading shows. no i have Things to do and places to go. So again im sorry for those that are upset just hope you all understand where im coming from =)
But i will upload the episode that was air last week Tomorrow :)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Neveen's Episode 218 and 219 Recaps
I'm sorry for not updating with Neveen's recaps. So here are her recaps for episode 18 and 19 for your enjoyment.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Download Episode 203 * Spilled Milk *
Download Episode 203 Of The Bad Girls Club

The Bad Girls Club - Episode 203 - Spilled Milk(TV RIP HQ)
The Bad Girls Club - Episode 203 - Spilled Milk(TV RIP HQ)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Darlen Topless In Movie Pineapple
In the 2006 movie called Pineapple, Darlen makes a special appearance in the movie playing as a character named Mercedez and at one point in the film we see her topless. Seeing her big rack tells you that she obviously had her breast done. Here is the link but beware if your too young to click it. It's uncensored..
Darlen Topless
If you do not believe that it is her, you can research the movie and find a list of the casting crew and Darlen's full name (Darlen Escobar) will be listed. If you guys are curious on what this movie is about, it's basically about a man who is obsessed with drugs,hookers,and basically the gritty life he is facing.
Darlen Topless
If you do not believe that it is her, you can research the movie and find a list of the casting crew and Darlen's full name (Darlen Escobar) will be listed. If you guys are curious on what this movie is about, it's basically about a man who is obsessed with drugs,hookers,and basically the gritty life he is facing.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Soon the second season of our favorite reality show will becoming to an end and soon the search for the next crop of bad girls will begin for the bad girls club 3. Now it'll be your chance to show us how bad you are. We've seen soo much these past two seasons, from spraying bleach on your roomies clothes to wiping their food on your vagina, we've seen above and beyond everything.....have we? Are you bad enough for Bad Girls 3?? Think the season 1 girls were too boring? Think the season 2 girls were too crazy? Well now's your chance to show us what true bad girl is in just a few months :)
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Download Episode 201 * Bad Company *
As I Promise Here Is The 1st Episode For Season 2 Of The Bad Girls Club Episode 202 & 203 Will Be Posted Soon

The Bad Girls Club - 2x01 - Bad Company(TV RIP HQ)
The Bad Girls Club - 2x01 - Bad Company(TV RIP HQ)
About Episode 201-203 Download
I am soo sorry about that i am uploading Episode 201 now.. i had it already but i didn't got a chance to upload it so for now i will have Episode 201 down by later and soon i will upload Episode 202 & Episode 203 and you all will have all this season episode so far LMAO
Thursday, April 10, 2008
more updates starting
Sorry I havn't been updating, we been lacking on the recaps and reviews and news, but more news starting next week and there will be a road trip, who will be on it? I know, but can't tell, shh :) |
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
The Bad Girls Club Season 2 FINALE
I just wanted to let you all know that there is only 3 Episodes left of The Bad Girls Club.. Will There Be A Road Trip This Year?????
Friday, April 4, 2008
Download Episode 217 & Reunion Already Taped
Hey everyone.. well its been a while since i posted here.. well here i go again lol. i have the new episode to download i been had it since Wednesday but i didn't uploaded it because i had to restart my computer all over again so i had to get all my Episodes back from the bad girls club so now today i upload it so here it is

The Bad Girls Club - Episode 217 - Disorderly Conduct(TV Rip HQ)
P.S. The Bad Girls From Season 2 Had Already Taped The Reunion Show Here Are Some Pics
The Bad Girls In The Green Room

Group Photo 01

Group Photo 02

Can't Wait To See This Reunion And I see Jenn Is Not There.. Maybe She Got Kick Out lol
The Bad Girls Club - Episode 217 - Disorderly Conduct(TV Rip HQ)
P.S. The Bad Girls From Season 2 Had Already Taped The Reunion Show Here Are Some Pics
The Bad Girls In The Green Room
Group Photo 01
Group Photo 02
Can't Wait To See This Reunion And I see Jenn Is Not There.. Maybe She Got Kick Out lol
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Neveen's Episode 216 Recap
I noticed that some people wanted to see Neveen Episode recap for the recent episode so I decided to post it for yall to enjoy. She talks about Cordelia and Andrea's Lesbian relationship, the threesome, and more. Hope you like it..
Bad Girls Club Blog 2.16
Bad Girls Club Blog 2.16
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Download Episode 216 Of The Bad Girls Club
I Love This Episode. It Was So Funny lol
Here Is The Link To Download New Episode Of The Bad Girls Club "Three Some And Then Some"

The Bad Girls Club - Episode 216 - Three Some And Then Some(TV Rip HQ)
Here Is The Link To Download New Episode Of The Bad Girls Club "Three Some And Then Some"
The Bad Girls Club - Episode 216 - Three Some And Then Some(TV Rip HQ)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
New Beef:Jennavecia Vs Cordelia
When I read this blog, I was so surprised to find out that Jennavecia and Cordelia are not cool anymore. They seemed to be so close but I guess Jennavecia didn't like what Cordelia has been saying about her in the recent episode. That episode was recorded months ago and now she doesn't want to get over it? They been having a sisterly relationship ever since the show ended and she just wants to fuck it all up because of some episode? She even talks about the new bad girl, Andrea. You can easily tell that Jennavecia loves the drama. But here is her blog,
Hahahah this bitch is a complete joke !!! I haven’t seen the episode but I heard from all of my fans what a cunt she is!!! BOYYY did this bitch fuck up I have these porn pics from the set that were taken of her bent over the bed with her saggy titties!!! thats comedy!! anyways I started posting them in Hollywood so fuck the ones she posted of me at least I had on clothes !!! Wow.....I do not like this bitch anymore she fucked up now!! and now its showtime!! hahahahha I also have her porn videos boy does this chick look like she has something I think that I saw her partner double up extra !!
WHOREdelia called me the other day acting all tough !! i basically kept it simple and hung up it went a little something like this !!! "hey jen its Cordelia did you like the episode?" I stated, "I didn’t watch it but when I see you I am beating that ass!!" and then hung up!! ...bitch was wasting my battery on the celli cell!!!
anyways she will never run shit as long as i am in the picture !! that bitch will still look like the deer in the headlights when i’m around !!! enough said!! Bitch can never steal my thunder!!
oh and as for that crack whore Andrea the new girl!!! hahaha that bitch was on the phone with WHOREdelia when she called !! just for rollin with that shes getting fucked up too !!!
Cordildo you were nothing like me when pulling those pranks you just felt like yo were untouchable because I was around !!! well bitch i’m gone now lets see what you got... just line up ... you and that bootleg version of paris hilton!! loser buys drinks!!! hahaha
Cordildo the only reason why you are even famous is because of me and for the record this is for everyone who is reading this I never talked to WHOREdelia’s fiance Taylor and told him shit !! My boys aren’t stupid they figured that shit out on their own thanks to that sloppy drunk saggy titty , slam-pig CORDELIA all because she thought she could throw that big ol wolf pussy around like it was gold or some shit!!! HAHAHAHAHA
On a real not though!! you don’t really think that you are that tight where you can hate on me and people will side with you!!! c’mon dawg I made your sorry ass on that show lucky you picked my side cuz thats the only reason why the fans even gave you a chance and now i’m about to take that all away from you just watch!! i made you, and I’ll break you just like that hooker!!!!
Bad girls club,
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Download Episode 215 Of The Bad Girls Club
Now You Can Download The New Episode Of The Bad Girls Club That Was Aired Last Night

The Bad Girls Club - Episode 215 - With Friends Like These...(TV Rip HQ)
The Bad Girls Club - Episode 215 - With Friends Like These...(TV Rip HQ)
Monday, March 17, 2008
Cordelia and Taylor's Relationship (Update)
Now in a post I made a while ago, I gave you news on Cordelia's relationship with Taylor and that they were back together and working things out. This info I found was from an anonymous source. Now if you didn't believe me, Cordelia posted a blog about Taylor and said that they're back together. He eventually forgaved her and their relationship is better then ever. I am very happy for her and wish her the best. Now one question that might dwell on is "So what happened to Scott?" I unfortunately don't know the answer to this but maybe we will find out evenutally. Here is Cordelia's blog..
dear fans,
thank you guys so much for all of your supportive messages. just so you know, i am currently with taylor. i’m no longer engaged, but we are dating again and i still wear my ring, just on my right hand. i love taylor more than anything or anyone in this world, and although i regret what i have done and the pain i have caused him, i have decided not to dwell on it, rather to learn from my mistakes. thankfully taylor has forgiven me, and that in itself is a testament to the amazing man that he is. its strange how sometimes something bad has to happen for things to get better, but thats what has happened. after the show ended, i moved to san francisco, and taylor soon followed. we’ve now been back together for a while, and our relationship has improved a million percent, we couldn’t possibly be any happier. never has our relationship been as good as it is now.
thank you to all of my fans who have been rooting for my happy ending, i finally got it
cordelia <3
Bad girls club,
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Chamillion's Episode 14 Review
Now as most of you know, you kinda expected whats going to happen in this episode. Ever since, Jennavecia sent that hate mail to her boss, yall know what's going to happen to her next. Most of you are happy with this and some of you are upset. So I guess Cordelia is going to be the party girl leader from now on. I wonder how she will handle that? Anyway Jennavecia and Cordelia go out to drink because Jennavecia quit her job. Scott is there with Cordelia and she is just bored of his ass. He keeps talking and talking about bullshit.
Jennavecia continuesly shows off the email she sent to her boss to others just to impress them I guess. Who gives a fuck if your not afraid about being fired? Most people don't even want her in the house except Cordelia. Scott talks to Andrea about the craziness that goes on in the house. Cordelia decides to sleep with Josh and even make out with him and in the next morning, she is like ughhh shes so surprised she made out with him. Sigh Cordelia needs to stop acting like a hoe, I know she was drunk but she needs to control herself. Jennavecia and the other girls go out to eat with their boss Craig. So Jennavecia just laughs at the fact that she even sent that mail and still confronts him. Craig keeps it cool and doesn't try to cuss this bitch out while Jennavecia cusses him out making him look like a pussy but I know he's not. He has more class then her and he took it professionally.
Jennavecia packs up her bag and I know Cordelia would miss her ass. The hyena girls are of course so happy. Cordelia is now the ringleader and is the alpha female. Andrea might also be a party girl who will be on Cordelia's team. Unfortunately, Darlen has been out of the Party Girls clique and with the Hyena sisters even though she refused to be in a certain clique. Hopefully we will see more of Andrea in the next episode and see how the drama is like after Jennavecia left. Nothing much happened in this episode except Jennavecia's stank old lookin ass leaving.
Jennavecia continuesly shows off the email she sent to her boss to others just to impress them I guess. Who gives a fuck if your not afraid about being fired? Most people don't even want her in the house except Cordelia. Scott talks to Andrea about the craziness that goes on in the house. Cordelia decides to sleep with Josh and even make out with him and in the next morning, she is like ughhh shes so surprised she made out with him. Sigh Cordelia needs to stop acting like a hoe, I know she was drunk but she needs to control herself. Jennavecia and the other girls go out to eat with their boss Craig. So Jennavecia just laughs at the fact that she even sent that mail and still confronts him. Craig keeps it cool and doesn't try to cuss this bitch out while Jennavecia cusses him out making him look like a pussy but I know he's not. He has more class then her and he took it professionally.
Jennavecia packs up her bag and I know Cordelia would miss her ass. The hyena girls are of course so happy. Cordelia is now the ringleader and is the alpha female. Andrea might also be a party girl who will be on Cordelia's team. Unfortunately, Darlen has been out of the Party Girls clique and with the Hyena sisters even though she refused to be in a certain clique. Hopefully we will see more of Andrea in the next episode and see how the drama is like after Jennavecia left. Nothing much happened in this episode except Jennavecia's stank old lookin ass leaving.
Hyena sisters,
party girls,
Friday, March 14, 2008
Download Episode 214 Of The Bad Girls Club
As i promise here is the link to download the new episode of the bad girls club that was aired this tuesday. i hope now that i help everyone on how to use megaupload you will get to download the bad girls club right instead of being stuck on how to work megaupload.. here is the link

The Bad Girls Club - Episode 214 - Bad Riddance(TV Rip HQ)
The Bad Girls Club - Episode 214 - Bad Riddance(TV Rip HQ)
Thursday, March 13, 2008
About Downloading Episode 214 *Bad Riddance*
Hey there people.. ok i have the episode and i will upload it soon right now its time for me to go to bed lol but i see that some of you are having trouble with Megaupload and here are some simple to help you.. i will upload the episode once i get up and it will be uploaded on Megaupload
Recently Megaupload added a Download code that needs to be entered before proceeding to further steps. The box looks like this:

The NZB code goes in the box to the right of it and then the Download selection needs to be pressed.
The Megaupload site will start with a 45 second timer counting down in the upper right hand corner.

Just before the 45 seconds is up a "Flash" ad will drop down and block the view.
The box where the counter was will then display "Click here to download"

Click in that box which then will change to say "Loading download"
and wait for a Windows (or other operating system) dialog box to pop up on your screen that prompts you to download the file with a selection to "Open", "Save" or "Cancel" button. Click the "Save" button and then the download will begin.
i hope that help.. the new bad girls club episode will be posted in the afternoon tomorrow
Recently Megaupload added a Download code that needs to be entered before proceeding to further steps. The box looks like this:
The NZB code goes in the box to the right of it and then the Download selection needs to be pressed.
The Megaupload site will start with a 45 second timer counting down in the upper right hand corner.
Just before the 45 seconds is up a "Flash" ad will drop down and block the view.
The box where the counter was will then display "Click here to download"
Click in that box which then will change to say "Loading download"
i hope that help.. the new bad girls club episode will be posted in the afternoon tomorrow
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