Saturday, January 26, 2008

Bag Girls On Tyra

Hey guys, got a text from Cordelia letting me know that her and her fellow housemates have filmed an episode for the Tyra Banks Show, it should be airing sometime in feb I think. Anyway, next week on the Bad Girls 2, the girls bid farewell totheir first roomate. Who? stay tune!!!


Anonymous said...

don't read any further if you don't want the spoiler.

so Lyric leaves.. ..does Jennavecia leave later in the season?? I noticed she didn't film a New Yr's promo as the 5 other girls did

Anonymous said...

I read that the first was Jenn when I went looking for spoilers, so she probably does go home at some point. (lol, i guess i should mention that I'm not a contributor to the blog so I don't know anymore than anyone else)