Friday, February 15, 2008

Scott Seen On Flavor Of Love Three:Casting Special: UPDATE!

If you do not know this or realize yet, but Scott who is the man who fucks around with Cordelia in this Bad Girls season is seen on the Flavor Of Love Casting special as one of the casting directers for Detroit. He was there with another directer, picking out girls who should be on the show. Just seeing this makes me realize that he's there for TV. He doesn't love Cordelia like that. He just wanted to tap Cordelia because she seemed easy to him. He does not give a shit about her feelings and her relationship with Taylor. Also he was mainly there for TV but I realize that he is Jennavecia's friend. So is Jennavecia there for TV also or maybe she knows that Scott is desperate to be on tv so she let him come visit her to get a little spotlight in the show. I just can't stand him, I knew he was on something when I saw him on Bad Girls, but this takes the cake. If you do not believe me, go ahead and watch the casting special again.

UPDATE:I asked Cordelia about Scott and she said that Scott wasn't there for fame. He used to bitch about losing his job for being on the show. He is a casting director and lives in L.A. He met Jennavecia on one of the casting calls and they hit it off.

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