Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ty's Rant about Oxygen

Remember Ty from Bad Girls Club season 1? Well in her new blog, she talks about yesterday's episode where Jennavecia and Tanisha fight but then later on they get a second chance to stay in the house if they get counseling. Ty thinks this is bullshit because she never had any chances and was sent home immediantly after she fought Aimee. She knows that each season's contracts are still the same so letting them stay is uncalled for and unfair. She even mentions sueing Oxygen. Do you think she's right and has a right to complain or do you think this is just her being a whiny bitch? Here is her blog

Well after watching last nights episode of bad girls club season 2...and seeing the Jenn and Fat bitch fight...I just realized that Oxygen and Bunim/Murray productions have a lawsuit on there hands! Not only was I kicked off from last seasons cast for "a physical altercation" I was sent home because "Laura" (our producer) said that it was "in the contracts of a no hitting policy-ZERO TOLERANCE) Not that I wanted my favorite jennevicia to be sent home...but the simple fact that Im almost certain last seasons contracts and this seasons contracts were EXACTLY THE SAME!

SHAME ON YOU OXYGEN! I wasnt even allowed back into our house after coming from the beach until the producers showed up! Then I had to immediately pack my things and leave! There were NO second it over...or go see a counselor!


$700/week times the 12 weeks I missed for getting sent home = you figure it out!

I believe you have breached your end of a contract...whats the point of making us sign it if you can alter it at any time???????????????????????


Anonymous said...

She's in the wrong, Ty was looking for a fight the whole day at the beach.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I never liked Ty and she's not making me change my mind in the least. She's mad cause she didn't get PAID, not because she missed the opportunity to GROW UP a little. Nah, I hope she doesn't get a dime

Anonymous said...

i think there contract ended when she got sent home. i dont think she can sue them anymore. shes pretty hard for money. lol

Anonymous said...

No after she got sent home. Her contract told her that she could not reveal anything till the whole show finished airing.